
Lowering HDL Cholesterol Is Bad For Your Health

By Darran G Butler

When it comes to cholesterol, there are actually two different types: the good and the bad. The good kind is called HDL and the bad is called LDL. Though many people get them confused, it is actually important to realize that lowering HDL cholesterol is not the goal. The goal is to lower LDL cholesterol. In order to understand how to lower LDL cholesterol, you must realize that this rises when you consume too much saturated fat. Your liver will produce cholesterol when it receives saturated fat and too much cholesterol can lead to many heart problems and can eventually lead to heart attacks or strokes. You will have to understand what foods are high in saturated fat so that you will be able to avoid these foods at all costs.

Butter And Dairy Products

Butter is the main culprit behind a lot of the saturated fats that you eat. You will be able to see butter in a lot of the foods that you eat and of course in the desserts. Avoid eating foods like popcorn and ice cream because these are some of the most loved foods, yet still very bad for you.

Hydrogenated Oils

Avoid all foods that have "hydrogenated oils" on the back label, as this is a warning sign to ignore this food. A lot of foods that are said to be "healthy" actually have this and it should automatically tell you that the food is not good for you. These foods will dramatically increase your bad cholesterol levels and even pull down your good cholesterol levels.

Junk Food

Junk food is full of saturated and trans fat and this is actually much worse. Most people are addicted to junk food and this is the main cause of obesity in America, as well as lowering HDL cholesterol. Combine this with video games and the Internet and you are left with millions of people living sedentary, unhealthy lives. Foods like chips, ice cream, whipped cream and anything with refined sugars are all the main causes of high cholesterol.

Instead of lowering HDL cholesterol, avoiding these foods will help you lower your bad LDL cholesterol. Also, become more active and avoid being lazy at all costs. Try to take up a new hobby and realize how important it is to exercise and feel active. If you truly want to avoid having high bad cholesterol, you must avoid all these foods and start to eat all the foods that are healthy for you. Foods like fruits and vegetables should definitely be a heavy focus of your diet. Combine that with lean meats, like fish and chicken, and you will be able to see your cholesterol levels drop naturally. Lowering your cholesterol is not impossible, but it will take commitment and perseverance to be able to stick to your diet and you must stay active. With the right determination and knowledge, you will live the healthy lifestyle that you have always wanted.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and lowering HDL cholesterol. For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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