
8 Heart Disease Facts For You

By Greg Garner

Heart disease is the number one killer in many countries. Blockage of the coronary arteries that carry blood to the heart is the major reason for heart disease. It is the main reason contributing to heart attack. A study shows that a person suffers from some sort of coronary occurrence every 29 seconds. Every year, around 25,000 people die in the U.S before they reach hospital due to heart attack. It is therefore important for all to know the facts of disease, even if there is no sign of (heart) disease. Proper knowledge can help protect you from this silent killer.

8 Facts You Need To Know About Heart Disease

1. Smoking Causes Heart Attack

There are scientific evidences to prove that cigarette smoking is a major cause for (heart) diseases. Though many diseases have links to smoking, coronary heart disease is more serious and is the most common cause of death. Studies show that heavy smokers tend to develop a (heart) disease at a younger age. Sudden cardiac death is one of the most harmful effects of smoking. American Heart Association specifies that smokers have two or four times more risk of developing a heart disease than non smokers.

2. Facts About Cholesterol Rich Food

Elevated serum cholesterol is one of the major risk factor for (heart) disease. Foods rich in saturated fatty acids can increase the cholesterol level, which in turn increase the risk of coronary (heart disease. However, not all fats are bad for heart health. Olive and olive oil, peanut butter and dry nuts contain monounsaturated fat that is good for heart health.

3. Heart Attack Normally Shows Mild Symptoms First

Heart attack symptoms are usually mild in the beginning. Many people experience a mild discomfort first. If you face any discomfort in the center of the chest and if it lasts for a few minutes, you need to consult your doctor immediately and confirm whether it is a symptom of heart attack.

4. Symptoms Experienced By Women Are Different

Heart disease symptoms are experienced different by women. Shortness of breath, vomiting, nausea, jaw pain and/back pain may be experienced by women patients. Discomfort in one or both the arms and in stomach is common for both men and women.

5. Immediate Help Can Save Life

If you think you or some of your loved one is experiencing a heart attack, you should not wait. Getting immediate treatment can help save the life.

6. Sugar Is The Culprit

Many experts believe that sugar is the real culprit behind these diseases. Sugar molecules are converted into cholesterol, which clogs the arteries, causing these diseases. Eating too much of sugary foods can increase your risk of developing this disease.

7. Gum Disease Can Cause Heart Disorders

Many people do not know that gum disease is dangerous to heart. The bacteria in diseased gum can increase the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition caused by hardening of arteries. Regular dental checkups and cleanings can help prevent this problem

8. Right Side Chest Pain May Be A Symptom Of Heart Attack In Women

Some women experience chest pain in the right chest. Hence, it is wrongly diagnosed as some other disease. The best way to protect you is to get as much information about this disease as possible.

Knowledge is the key to protect you against this disease. It is worth to learn about the risk factors and the dangers of this disease.

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Omega 3 and Weight Loss: A Powerful Combination for Your Heart

By Jennifer P. April

Omega 3 and weight loss can help keep your heart strong and healthy so you have the energy to run after the kids AND look good doing it.

Being overweight puts you at risk for diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis and even certain types of cancer. Your doctor has probably shared with you the very scary statistics of being overweight and you're tired of - well, of being tired!

Here's How Omega 3 Can Affect Your Weight Loss

Omega 3's are the "good fats" your body needs to nourish your brain, hair, skin and yes, help you reduce weight. A University of South Australia study found people who took fish oil supplements combined with moderate exercise 3 times a week lost almost 5 pounds after 3 weeks. Impressive, considering they didn't change their eating habits.

Scientists believe the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil promote blood flow through your body which take nutrients to where they need to be and help burn fat.

Another study in the International Journal of Obesity found participants who took 6 grams a day of fish oil, burned more calories and therefore lost more weight than those who didn't.

How Fish Can Boost Your Heart Health

If you make some dietary changes such as eating fish 2-3 times a week you're likely to see even better results. That's because some fish are rich repositories of these essential fatty acids.

Take wild caught salmon for example, this fish is high on the list of top weight loss foods AND heart healthy meals because it's a fantastic source of lean protein and a serving fills your daily dietary needs of omega 3.

Losing weight reduces the pressure on your heart. Omega 3 oil is linked to reducing high blood pressure, lowering your triglycerides and cholesterol. Each lowers your risk of heart disease.

Here's 3 ways these fatty acids can help your heart

1) They're a natural blood thinner which means they reduce unhealthy blood clots that can form in your arteries and lead to a heart attack or stroke.

2) They're natural anti-inflammatories so they reduce the unhealthy plaque formed in your arteries that can harden and narrow your arteries to so blood flow is restricted.

3) Lower your triglycerides -these are fatty deposits that make your blood move sluggishly which can lead to dangerous clotting.

Your weight doesn't have to dictate poor health. You can make the commitment now to get started losing extra weight by adding these essential fatty acids to your diet either through eating more fish or taking supplements or both.

Combine omega 3 and weight loss, and you can keep your heart and body strong and live a longer, healthier life.

Jen P. April is a passionate advocate of health and nutrition. To learn more about effective Omega 3's and supplements she recommends after extensive research, visit

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What Leads To Heart Attack - 6 Things You Must Know About

By Greg Garner

A heart attack is a leading cause of death all over the world. The other name of attack is myocardial infarction. It occurs when the oxygen rich blood flow is blocked to some parts of the heart muscles. If the blood flow is not restored quickly, it can cause death. Discomfort in the chest, shortness of breath, vomiting, restlessness, nausea, coughing, dizziness and crushing chest pain are some of the symptom of attack. If you experience any of these symptoms or see any other person experiencing them, you need to seek the emergency services immediately.

6 Things That Lead To Heart Attacks


The most important risk factor of attacks is age. Men aged above 45 years and women aged above 55 years are more susceptible to the risk of attack. Arteries supply oxygen rich blood to other parts of the body. As you age, they become firm and less flexible. This in turn causes elevate blood pressure. As your heart needs to adjust to the increase in blood pressure, it becomes vulnerable to damages.

Diet and Lifestyle

Diet plays a crucial role in increasing the risk of heart attacks. If you take animal fats and saturated fats in large quality, your risk of having attack is more. High fat, sugary, salt laden foods are enemies to your heart. Unhealthy lifestyle can also lead to attack. A study shows that people who do not exercise are more likely to get a heart attack than people who exercise regularly. Smoking is another important risk factor that causes heart attacks.


If your parents or grandparents had heart diseases, your risk of getting a attack is high. Heart disease is normally inherited from genes.

Obesity and Overweight

Nowadays, many people suffer from the problem of overweight and obesity. A study shows that 15% of children and adolescents in the U.S. are overweight. Overweight children become overweight adults and they have an increased risk of dying from heart attack or some other heart disease.

Blood Cholesterol Levels

If your blood cholesterol level is high, you are at the risk of developing blood clots in the arteries. These blood clots can block blood flow to the heart muscle, causing attack. High cholesterol increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis, a condition caused by hardening of the arteries, which damages arteries and other tissues in the heart. It increases the risk of stroke and attacks.


Diabetes is one of the main risk factors of attacks. High blood glucose increases the risk of attack. 65% of people with diabetes die from heart diseases.

If you realize that you have the risk of having a heart attack, you need to take some steps immediately. Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, eating foods low in saturated fats, cholesterol and sugar, quitting smoking, getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily and taking medications to keep diabetes under control can help prevent attack.

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