
The Power Of Vitamin D


Most of us know that taking Vitamin C helps when we are getting sick because it builds up our immune system. Eat your carrots (or broccoli), it's good for your vision because the vegetable consists of high levels of Vitamin A. Vitamin E helps strengthen your hair and nails.
According to a new study, taking Vitamin D can cut the risk of pancreatic cancer nearly in half. This study appears in the September issue of a medical journal, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. Earlier studies have shown that Vitamin D can also protect against colorectal and breast cancer. Lab and animal studies have shown that Vitamin D stifles abnormal cell growth and curbs formation of blood vessels that feed tumors.
Northwestern and Harvard universities led the studies and proved that taking 450 international units (IU's) of Vitamin D – the standard IU that is in most multivitamins – reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer by 43 percent. There is no need to take more than that amount either. Through statistical analysis, conclusions were that 12.5 cases of pancreatic cancer occurred each year per 100,000 people who were taking 600 IU's or more of Vitamin D. But taking only 150 to 300 IU's reduced the risk by 22 percent. The rate was 21 cases for patients taking below 150 IU's a day.
Here are some other ways Vitamin D is produced. Spend some time at the park or the beach because Vitamin D is created by sunlight exposure. In terms of food, try eating more tuna, salmon or other oily fish. You also might want to drink a cup of milk every now and then many other dairy product are also high in Vitamin D, you could also use margarine instead of butter. For people between the ages of 50-70, the suggested amounts of Vitamin D is 400 IU's. For people over 70, the suggested amount is 600 IU's and of course lower levels for those that are younger.
As for multivitamins, be weary. Multivitamins usually package Vitamin D with Retinol (a form of Vitamin A) to promote bone health, but that combination actually dilutes the Vitamin D and does not effect prevention of pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic cancer is fairly rare – it only makes up 2 percent of new cancer cases in the United States. But it is also very lethal being the fourth deadliest form of cancer in the United States. Around 33,700 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year and almost 96% will die from the disease. Here are so more statistics to keep in mind. Those that are over 60 and those that suffer from diabetes are more likely to be diagnosed with this disease. More males than females are diagnosed. Smokers are two to three times more likely to be diagnosed. If any of the above apply to you, start taking Vitamin D. It just might save your life.

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles

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How to get Pregnant? Important things you want to Know

by Jeff Netsite

I remember back when I was a kid that I used to visit my friends dad at his clinic whenever he has no patient. My friends father is an "OB-GYNE" and in his clinic, there are these posters that have a drawing of a pregnant woman and the parts inside her womb (that includes the baby). And it made me think how a baby is being form inside a woman's belly. Did I mention I was only a kid back then when I started thinking about these things? There was even a time that I thought the moment a man and a woman kiss, instantly, the woman gets pregnant (I blame the movie for this). But as I mature, I learned how it is being done and how I can avoid getting someone pregnant if I'm neither me or the girl are not ready yet.
These days, a lot of problems regarding pregnancy are arising. These include a huge growth in the population of other countries such as India, China, and even the Philippines. Another one is unplanned pregnancy that normally happens with teenagers. Aside from the unplanned pregnancy issue, there is also the difficulty of other women who wants to get pregnant. There are a lot of reasons why a woman can't get pregnant. It can be that the woman is at her age where it is hard to conceive, or either the wife or the husband has a problem with their reproductive organ, and lastly, the lack of education on how to get pregnant. For the unplanned pregnancy, it would be how to avoid getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant.
I read some articles regarding how to get pregnant. According to them, getting pregnant is not easy as everyone thinks (I'm still thinking whether I should agree on that statement). They also said that aside from proper timing (this refers to the woman being fertile), there are also a few important practices that will help women on getting pregnant. One important practice is for the woman to be healthy and eliminating anything in life that may cause damage to fertility. Next is learning when the woman is most fertile. According to my friend who is a doctor, usually on the 14th day of her menstrual cycle is the day women are fertile.
Next step is making s e x productive and at the same time, have dun doing it. Get this, according to "Dr. Donnica Moore, the missionary position is more likely to get a woman pregnant". Another important thing to know is that "if you have s e x every day during your fertile period, you have a 25 percent chance of getting pregnant, according to Dr. Allen Wilcox". Lastly, "If you have s e x after you ovulate, you aren't likely to get pregnant, says WebMD." Another website that you can visit is "" where you can read stories about women who got pregnant in spite their difficulty of conceiving. If all of the people can learn about this, I'm sure we can have fewer problems in our community.
For more info visit: help get pregnant and how to get pregnant

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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Did You Get Your Seaweed This Morning?


Fucose is a Glyconutrient. There are 8 saccharides that make up this family:

• Mannose
• Glucose
• Galactose
• Xylose:

• Fucose (not fructose)
• N-acetylglucosamine
• N-acetylneuramic acid
• N-acetylgalactosamine

Fucose can be found in natural products like seaweed and echinoderms. From ancient times humans have consumed them. The original gelatin was often made from seaweed before artificial gelatin was developed.
When handling wet kelp you will experience a slimy sensation. This is largely due to fucoidans on the surface of the seaweed. When you pull apart the ”slime“ you will see long threads. These are the extended chains of fucoidan polysaccharides(including fucose)
Brown seaweed kelp is used to extract alginates for industrial, pharmaceutical, and food purposes but for a long time Fucoidans were not considered. Now research has revealed that Fucoidans have been found to have medicinal benefits like anticoagulants.
Fucoidans are made up mainly of the saccharide fucose. They have been found in brown marine algae and echinoderms like sea urchins and sea cucumbers. They are used in a number of medicines including ones for anticoagulant and antithrombotic therapy.
There are many different types of brown kelp, which vary in the amount of fucose they have. Research is only just now being done on this little known area of science. The kelp has been a highly prized food and medicine for many centuries. The substance, extracted from the kelp, Fucus Vesiculosus contains 16 different fucans.
They assist the kelp plant by protecting it and help its cell walls not to get damaged with changing salt concentrations. They also help the kelp and echinoderms with their reproductive systems.
Fucose is also useful for helping the human immune system and assisting the body to ward off infections, diseases and toxins. Other uses are help with inflammatory conditions and ulcers. Not only the brown kelp but also the Japanese seaweed Mozuku is used for extracting Fucoidan.
Fucose can also have an effect on enzymes by promoting and inhibiting them. It has been found to be helpful against snake venom and bites. By controlling the enzymes that can cause the venom damage.
There are many uses for this useful glyconutrient and it is only just recently that these uses are coming to light. As scientists do more research they are discovering new uses for this saccharide and the other glyconutrients. The new research is called Glycobiology and is named after the Glyconutrients they are investigating.
Only during the last 10 years scientists have been researching the family of foods known as the carbohydrates. Because of their complex nature it took time for scientists to understand and be able to analyze them. Now as they go deeper into their structure and uses they are finding the immense benefits that Glyconutriants hold for the mankind.
Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Consultant. His clients range from pro athletes and actresses, to cancer patients and children with Learning Disabilities. To learn if glyconutrients can hep you, visit his Glyconutrients site for a consultattion.

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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