
Home Remedies for the Common Cold

            The common cold is an affliction from an accumulation of a number of viruses that have multiplied in the upper respiratory tract - such as coronavirus, human respiratory syncytial virus and over 100 serotypes of rhinovirus, a type of picornavirus. You can research and find that the basic cold can be caused by over two hundred viruses! The viruses that result in the cold pass into the body through the area of the mouth and the nose - often from your own hand. They then travel to the rest of the respiratory system. Here, these viruses grow and multiply. Once they have sufficient numbers, these viruses cause the victim to experience many signs showing that .

            It has been discovered that individuals who have weak or suppressed immune systems, experience high levels of stress, or those who fail to get the proper amount of rest can develop colds more easily than others. In addition to these risk factors, those that experience mild to severe allergies may develop this type of sickness easily. Here, you will be introduced to the symptoms of the cold, as well as various home remedies for the common cold.

Symptoms of Your common Cold

            There are quite a few symptoms associated with the common cold. One of the first things is that annoying soreness in the throat. The throat will probably get dry and scratchy. It is also relatively common for a low grade fever in the early onset of symptoms. The fever is normally a bit under one hundred degrees. The eyes frequently become watery and irritated. Also, it is not uncommon for an individual to notice a persistent sneeze, cough and a runny nose. When an individual experiences a severe cold, the body may have a lot of aching. There may be an altered taste, or even no appetite.

Remedies for Your common Cold

            There are many different home remedies for the common cold. It is important to know that if you are looking for a good remedy, there is no one set �cure� for the common cold. Any and all home remedies that you use will either relieve the symptoms that you are experiencing with your cold, or simply improve your comfort level while the cold goes away. The following detail some of the most effective home remedies for the common cold:

1) One of the best home remedies for a cold is to get plenty of rest. Rest is essential when you fall ill because it allows your immune system to devote its time and energy to fighting off the infection. You should not exercise much during this time, or you may find that you remain sick with the cold for a longer amount of time than you would if you simply rested!

2) If you are seeking an herbal remedy that can help to soothe the results of the cold, you may find garlic to help. Garlic has been found to be a natural antiseptic. This helps to clear the body of viruses and any bacteria that have invaded the body.

3) People who have significant respiratory congestion have found that steam baths are indispensable in helping the congestion. Once you have inhaled the steam, you should then drink a glass of warm milk mixed with peppermint. This will soothe the respiratory tract and open the sinuses.


            As you can see, there are a number of different home remedies for the common cold. You must first consider which symptoms you want to get relief from, and then seek out home remedies that assist in that particular symptom. Also, you should guarantee that you get sufficient rest and drink lots of fluids. It is then that you will get relief with a speedy recovery.

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