
Are You Drinking Enough Water?

by Demos Christos

Have you heard that you need to drink more water? Most of us have heard that we need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, eight ounces each. But why?
Our total body weight is about 70 percent water, so we must keep our bodies well supplied. Few people can last more than ten days without water. Yet our bodies are constantly losing water. This happens through the skin, breath, kidneys, bowels and even tears. If we drink beverages such as tea and coffee, we need to drink more water to replace what these mild diuretics cause us to lose. Even drinking liquids with sugar, milk, fruit and vegetable juices increase the body's need for water since water is needed to digest these. Some of the water we need is obtained from solid food, since even solid food is made up of a great deal of water. For example, bread is about one third water. An egg is about 74 percent water, and a watermelon is about 92 percent water.
Still, many health professionals recommend in addition to other drinks and food, we drink two quarts or two liters of water each day and even more if we exercise or live in a hot climate. And, the more salt you eat, the more water you will need to dilute it. I have even heard that if we wait untilwe feel thirsty to signal that we need to drink water, we are already somewhat dehydrated. Personally, I find the more water I drink, the more my body seems to want.
I like to think of the many health benefits I receive when I drink my water. Drinking enough water helps prevent kidney infections and the formation of kidney stones. Water helps to remove waste and toxins from my body. And on a hot day when I am perspiring, a cool breeze feels so good as my body's water helps to regulate my body temperature. Water also helps lubricate my joints and colon. I once read of a man suffering from constipation even though he was eating large amounts of wheat bran. The problem? He was not drinking enough water! Drinking plenty of water even improves our appearance. Good nutrition and drinking plenty of water helps keep the skin good looking. And drinking lots of water helps to lose weight. There are no calories, cholesterol or fat in water. If your tummy is full of water, you may not be tempted to eat as much.
Oh, I know what you are thinking. The thoughts of drinking two quarts of water is not too appealing. But you can do it. Some increase their daily water intake by adding lemon to it. I like to keep track of how much water I drink each day to make sure I am drinking my two liters. So in the morning as I start my day, I fill two containers with water, each with a capacity of one liter. My goal is to have one liter consumed by early afternoon. Then I know I have the rest of the day to drink the other liter. This is in addition to any green tea or other beverage I may drink during the day. And a one liter bottle of water is easy to carry with me wherever I go.

So be sure to drink enough water, and remember, there is no substitute for it.

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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