
How to Choose the Right Exercise


Only you can determine the form of exercise you would want to engage in. Your choice may depend on the type of activities you enjoy or hate, whether you want to pay any membership fees or not, and your willingness or reluctance to invest in exercise equipment.

You should realize that if you attempt to undertake an exercise that you are not particularly fond of, you are more likely to give up on it very easily and quickly. For example, if you hate running, you are less likely to trade an hour of your sleep just to go out jogging. If you can't identify anything you like to do, then settle for something that you least hate like walking in lieu of jogging.

Walking is a wonderful exercise for everyone regardless of their fitness level. While anyone can walk as an exercise, individual programs vary in terms of intensity and time interval or distance walked. Walking can also be a shared exercise and you can easily find a partner to walk the distance with. Having someone to talk to makes the trek seem faster, more enjoyable, and less of a chore.

You can choose any kind of exercise as long as you start lightly. From a low intensity level, you can gradually increase the intensity of your regimen over several weeks to ensure the duration and sustainability of your workout program. Besides, you are likely to just injure yourself if your start out too hard too soon.

If you think that you rate poorly in physical fitness, you could start a daily routine of walking for ten minutes and increasing the time allocation by five minutes after every two or three weeks. You can also vary your walking route in order to maintain your interest. Or you can invite some friends to join your walk, perhaps a different person for each day.

If you can’t see yourself enjoying a brisk walk, consider signing up with a gym. Gyms typically have several programs you can enroll in and you can also seek the assistance of their fitness trainers to help you develop your own workout regimen. Choose a gym that provides good service. Try to assess how well they treat their members before and after signing up since what you will be paying for includes their time and attention. Check the equipment and try the exercise machines to see if they are well maintained. Listen carefully and be alert for any squeak or irregular noises as these indicate poor maintenance standards. You wouldn’t want to compromise your safety with poorly maintained gym exercise equipment.

If you are still undecided on what to pursue, you may wish to look into sports like golf or tennis. Both provide great opportunities for socialization and making new friends. Tennis offers excellent fitness training but it is a very demanding sport and therefore not advisable for someone who is not yet physically fit. If you are only starting out, your best option is golf.

After years of neglect, I found that my health had suffered. My website, contains the result of my journey back towards health.
Paul Strachocki
Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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