
Antioxidant: The Miracle Cure To Cancer?


Countless researches has been done on defining the role of antioxidants in preventing, or slowing down the growth of cancer. And the good news is, considerable laboratory evidence from chemical, cell culture, and animal studies indicates that antioxidants may slow or possibly prevent the development of cancer.

Antioxidants are necessary because they combat free radicals. Free radicals are byproducts that are formed when oxygen is used by the body. Free radicals start a chain reaction under the skin's surface, and outlined below is the process of destruction.
What are Free Radicals?
They have an unpaired electron in their outer orbital, making the molecule unstable.
Free radicals attempt to gain an electron from natural proteins in the skin to acquire stability.
This sets off a chain reaction because all molecules want to form an octet, which is an atom with eight valence electrons. In the aftermath of the reaction are free radical waste products of misshapen and broken molecules. Therefore, the structure of our skin is damaged and its cellular structure is weakened.
Dangers of Free Radicals!
Free radicals is capable of altering our DNA, which results in aging and illness! We definitely do not want that to happen to us!
How Antioxidants Prevent Cancer?
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals as the natural by-product of normal cell processes. Free radicals are molecules with incomplete electron shells which make them more chemically reactive than those with complete electron shells. Exposure to various environmental factors, including tobacco smoke and radiation, can also lead to free radical formation. In humans, the most common form of free radicals is oxygen. When an oxygen molecule (O2) becomes electrically charged or radicalized it tries to steal electrons from other molecules, causing damage to the DNA and other molecules. Over time, such damage may become irreversible and lead to disease including cancer.
Antioxidants are often described as mopping up free radicals, meaning they neutralize the electrical charge and prevent the free radical from taking electrons from other molecules.
How to Incorporate Antioxidants in my Diet?
Epidemiologic observations show lower cancer rates in people whose diets are rich in fruits and vegetables. This has lead to the theory that these diets contain substances, possibly antioxidants, which protect against the development of cancer. There is currently intense scientific investigation into this topic. Thus far, none of the large, well designed studies have shown that dietary supplementation with extra antioxidants reduces the risk of developing cancer.
Can Antioxidant Slow the Aging Process Too?
Antioxidants are also thought to have a role in slowing the aging process and preventing heart disease and strokes, but the data is still inconclusive. Therefore from a public health perspective it is premature to make recommendations regarding antioxidant supplements and disease prevention. New data from ongoing studies will be available in the next few years and will shed more light on this constantly evolving area. Perhaps the best advice, which comes from several authorities in cancer prevention, is to eat 5 servings of fruit or vegetables per day.
So what are you waiting for? Eat the right foods which are high in oxidants, and if needed, get a all natural antioxidant supplement! Your health condition Needs Antioxidants!
Can Antioxidants Prevent Cancer and Aging? More Info at
Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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