
Physical Activity Helps to Lower Blood Pressure

By James Beltrame

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is perhaps, one of the most common health conditions. This condition is the result of the blood putting too much force or pressure on the walls of arteries. Prolonged hypertension, if left unregulated, could lead to such serious medical conditions such as coronary heart disease, heart attack or even stroke. Also, this condition can be aggravated by complacency and laziness. That's why I think it is imperative that you try to participate in some form of physical activity daily, which can have a direct positive impact on your situation.

Of course, you may be wondering what type of physical activity can actually help to lower your blood pressure. When you exercise, or specifically, when you get cardio workouts, you will be strengthening your heart, the stronger your heart is, the less it has to work at pumping blood throughout the body. Since the main problem of high blood pressure is the heart overworking and putting too much force out, these cardiovascular strengthening exercises can make the heart more efficient so that it does not have to use so much force.

Indeed, to make the most of the physical activity and get the very best workout possible, you need to know what type of activity will be the most efficient. In order to strengthen your heart, you need to take part in activities that will get it working more, such as high intensity cardio workouts. Doctors recommend that you get about thirty minutes of exercise each day or at least for five hours a week. You do not have to get all thirty minutes of activity in one session. By breaking the exercise up into ten-minute sessions you can spread your workout evenly throughout the day.

Additionally, when you continue to take part in any physical activity, you will find that you are more easily able to maintain a healthy weight. Weight problems can also lead to high blood pressure since excess weight puts additional strain on the heart. By getting enough regular physical activity and losing weight, you can attack the hypertension on two different fronts.

Furthermore, some activities that have proven to be extremely efficient, such as weight training, tai chi, yoga, swimming, and bicycling. While these are all exercises that you will need to plan in your weekly schedule, there are also changes that you can make in your daily life, which will allow you to get more physical activity. This can include bypassing the elevator for the stairs or choosing to park farther away in the parking lot. Essentially, any activity that you choose to add in your daily life will actually lend a hand toward lowering your blood pressure.

Chances are that you may have to deal with hypertension at some point in your life. While there is a close relationship between levels of physical activity and lowering your blood pressure it really comes down to living a healthier life. Unchecked hypertension can lead to many health problems, some of which are fatal. Therefore, it is crucial that you take the time to keep your blood pressure within healthy limits and always check with your physician before beginning a new exercise program.

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Seven Safe Steps to Avoid Heart Disease

By Joshua Cox

You have already heard the term you are what you eat. It's been around forever. It's also common knowledge that eating certain foods increases your risk for heart disease. But despite that fact we continue to consume more and more foods that we know is bad for us. This is often because changing your eating habits is one of the hardest lifestyle changes you can make. Or so it seems. But take it from me, someone who has 31 years of unhealthy eating attached to my name and frame, there are things you can do to make a change and turn back the hands of time. In this article you'll find eight different ways you can make a change and lower your risks for heart disease.

Meal Planning

When you are planning a meal, or a snack, remember the heart healthy meal plate released by Harvard's School of Public Health. When you're choosing the foods make sure to portion your plate with mostly vegetables, then fruit, then whole grains, and finally a source of low fat low sodium protein. An important thing to do when planning is add some variety to your food choices. Don't get hung up on a certain food for too long or you'll risk burning yourself out. Plus changing up the menu often makes sure your body gets the necessary nutrients on top of spicing up your meals!

Portion Sizes

You always need to watch what you eat. But you also need to watch how much you eat. Filling that plate up, or going for seconds, and especially eating until you feel so stuffed your about to bust is awful for you. It HAS to be stopped! When you eat like that you are taking in way to many calories, carbs, fat, and cholesterol than you should. This WILL lead to you becoming overweight and worse it can lead to numerous diseases such as heart attacks and possibly strokes. So make sure to keep an eye on the number of servings you eat as well as the sizes of those servings.

Scale Back On Sodium

Sodium can cause high blood pressure which causes you to face the risk of heart disease. So scaling back on the amount of sodium you intake is part of a heart conscious diet. In fact a healthy adult shouldn't take in more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. So walk into your kitchen and look down at the teaspoon. 2,300 milligrams is about as big as a teaspoon. But we're not talking just table salt. Remember that every food you eat already has a certain amount of natural sodium in it. So check the nutritional labels before you go adding salt to a dish. Another important fact is if you are over 51, an African-American, or have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease your sodium intake should me 1,500 milligrams of sodium or less per day! A great way to reduce the amount of sodium you intake though is just to stop adding salt to meals. Once you do that you should also consider eating only fresh foods. These usually have way less sodium than canned or processed foods. But if you're like me and just need the easy route sometimes because of a hectic schedule make sure to get them with reduced sodium.

Eat Only Whole Grains.

Whole grains are the greatest source of fiber and other required nutrients. These nutrients help regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and promote good heart health. So forget the refined grains such as white bread and go for whole grains only. Eating these whole grains instead of refined grains substantially lowers total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, insulin levels, offers modest protection against colorectal cancer, prevents diverticular disease, and it also helps lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So make sure to include whole grains as a part of every meal!

Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables.

Fruits and veggies are a major staple of every meal. This is because they are great sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and they also make a great low calorie low carbohydrate snack. As such they are one of the best ways to eat healthy and lower your risk for heart disease. A holdup for some people is figuring out how they can add these fruits and veggies into their diets. Well for snacks that's easy. Find some things you like and eat it. I tend to snack on broccoli, carrots, or celery with a small dribble of hidden valley ranch dressing or even some fresh cut cucumbers. These snacks are much better for you then meat, or cheese, or chips and a soda. For a meal I would typically eat some fruit for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and green beans, or broccoli and cheese, or a side salad, or even grilled red peppers, green peppers, and onions. It all depends on the rest of the meal. For fruits I'm not very picky. There are plenty of fresh fruits I enjoy such as apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, strawberries, peaches, grapefruit, lemons, limes, and much more. Just take a stop in your local produce section or your local farmers market and you'll be able to easily spice up your meals while lowering your risk of heart problems!

Choose Protein That's Good For You.

The best sources of protein are the leaner meats. Fish, Shellfish, Chicken, Pork Tenderloin, and similar meats are going to be your best sources of protein. When choosing protein it's all about going as low fat as possible. Such as eating a grilled skinless chicken breast over the country fried steak. For me I tend to gravitate towards seafood as my main source of protein. The oceans and rivers are endless in providing us with great tasting sources of healthy protein. The best thing about fish is that they are super heart healthy. Fish and seafood from colder deep sea's water are the highest in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids help protect against many diseases such as; Alzheimer's, cancers, arthritis, high blood pressure, inflammations, depression, strokes, and heart disease. So make sure to try and eat some seafood at least twice per week. Some seafood I tend to eat is shrimp, crab, crawfish, scallops, mussels, tilapia, salmon, and even canned light tuna.

Watch the Fat and Cholesterol

This is the last section but definitely not the least! Out of all the changes you can make this is probably the most important section when it comes to lowering your risk for heart attacks and heart disease. High cholesterol will lead to plaque building up in your arteries which is what causes you to have a heart attack or stroke. To reduce this risk it's important to limit the amount of fats and cholesterol included in your diet. The best way to do that is cut out the lard. Cut the butter, the margarine, and the shortening out of the food you cook. Start to trim the fat off of all the meat you get. Watch your sugar intake by using natural low sugar jellies and jams instead of the others. That also means trying to cut the cookies and cakes, the snack foods, and mostly everything that's high in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. If you have to use some sort of fat for cooking make sure to use canola oil, extra virgin olive oil, or even a nut or seed oil. If you start to adjust your diet around these principals you'll be on your way to a heart healthy diet!

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What To Put Into Your Sample Low Cholesterol Diet

By Darran G Butler

A sample low cholesterol diet can effectively bring down the levels of low density lipoprotein (LD,L) which is often referred as the bad cholesterol and is detrimental to your health. Enough research has been conducted to prove the effectiveness of diet in lowering cholesterol. Extensive research has proven that consuming certain foods while avoiding others can lower cholesterol levels by a significant percentage.

Low Cholesterol Breakfast

A heart-healthy breakfast consists of known cholesterol lowering foods. Oat meal, oat bran and unsweetened breakfast cereals are considered effective in managing cholesterol and can be eaten for breakfast with low-fat milk. Whole grain or multi grained breads and rolls are also beneficial. Fresh citrus juice and apples are also helpful in lowering the LDL levels and can be had with breakfast.

Low Cholesterol Lunch

Fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna, are good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce the cholesterol produced by the lever. Fresh water fish can be had for lunch grilled, baked, steamed or broiled. A salad with an olive oil dressing can be combined with the meal. As an alternative, lean meat or poultry can also be had, cooked in olive or canola oil. If eating rice with the meal, brown rice would be a better choice as it has a high fiber content which is good for reducing cholesterol. Bread must be whole grain or multi grain. A bowl of assorted fresh fruits can be had as dessert.

Low Cholesterol Snack

An evening snack can consist of healthy foods help lower cholesterol. A handful of walnuts or almonds make an excellent snack as they are packed with nutrients. Roasted soya or sunflower seeds are also good to munch on. Fruits also make an ideal snack, but must be had fresh, not canned. Green tea or fresh lime juice can complete the evening snack.

Low Cholesterol Dinner

Dinner and lunch work around the same kind of items on the menu. Dinner can consist of either fish or lean meat as the main course accompanied with whole grain breads or brown rice. A main dish made with seasonal fresh leafy green vegetables prepared in very little oil can part of your meal. The salad dressing needs to be prepared with thought as the wrong dressing can make the sample low cholesterol diet ineffective and undermine your dieting efforts. A glass of red wine can also be had with the dinner as there is evidence to show it is good at reducing cholesterol.

The above is just a sample of what can go into a low cholesterol diet. The thing to remember while planning a sample low cholesterol diet is to include foods in their natural form. Animal products must be very low in fat. In fact, it is better to completely eliminate animal products if you can. This will give you the best and fastest results. As a thumb rule a healthy diet must consist of at least 5 -6 helpings of vegetables and fruits a day.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. �He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and, specifically, create a sample low cholesterol diet. �For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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