
Erection Problems and Possible Treatments

by Knut Holt

Problems of achieving a satisfactory erection are fairly common. If the problem does not originate from lack of lust and is great enough to make normal intercourse impossible, the condition is called erectile dysfunction (impotence). Erection problems are caused by combined physical and psychological factors.


The penis has three bodies containing a dense network of blood vessels along all its length. During erection blood is filled into the vessels of these bodies. The bodies then engorge, make the penis hard and rise it up. The filling of these bodies occur when the vessels leading blood to the penis relax and vessels draining the penis constrict their volume.
Before and during erection nerves lead impulses to the genitals. The nerve ends in this area then releases the substance nitrogen oxide. Nitrogen oxide will diffuse through the genital area and the penis and stimulate the reaction of the blood vessels in the penis.


Erection problems can occur because of disorders in the nervous system sending impulses to the genital area, problems with the blood supply to the penis and anatomical problems in the penis or genital area. Specific causes can be:
- Accidents, stroke, surgery or tumours hurting brain areas or areas in the spinal cord responsible for erection impulses.
- Multiple sclerosis, a disease hurting the isolating sheets around the neural fibres in the brain and spinal cord, can give erection problems.
- Accidents or diseases hurting nerves from the spinal cord to the genital region.
- Atherosclerosis caused by age or an unhealthy lifestyle, giving narrowing and hardening of blood vessels to the genital region.

- Injury to the erectile bodies caused by inflammation, accidents or diseases.
- Congenital malformations in the penis or genital region, for example hypospadias and epispadias.
- Peyronie's disease, a common inflammatory disease causing abnormal bending or twisting of the penis, and sometimes also hinder the filling of blood into the erectile bodies, sometimes gives problems for the erections.
- Circumcision causing the penile skin to be too tight, or causing extensive inelastic scars.
- Side effects of medicines, such as medications taken for high blood pressure or depression.
- Zinc deficiency.
- Heart disease.
- Diabetes causing injury to the nerves and blood vessels to the penis.
. High blood pressure (hypertension).
. Liver or kidney disease.
- Alcohol or drug abuse impairing psychological and neural functions.


Psychological causes can interfere with the erection process by distracting a man from stimuli that normally would give him sexual arousal. Psychological issues account for about 40% of erection problems. Erection problems in men under age 50 are most likely to be caused by psychological factors. Psychological causes of erection problems include:
- Anxiety for not being able to perform sexually as well as the partner demands.
- Prolonged emotional upset, such as worrying, anxiety or anger due to a man's economical, professional or social situation.
- Relationship problems, for example when the woman has different preferences of sexual practice than the man.
- A man who looses sexual desire for his partner may develop erection problems.
- Recently widowed men can get erection problems.
- Some men have difficulty having sexual intercourse with their partner after she has given birth because he does not like the changes that the birth process has caused to the woman's body.


When a specific organic and psychological condition causes problems for the erections, this problem should be treated with appropriate methods that will vary according to the actual disease.
If the cause is heart disease or atherosclerosis, lifestyle changes and training adapted to the medical situation can often improve the general health situation and improve the erectile abilities.
If the cause of the erection problems is a problematic penile shape, for example curved or twisted penis by Peyronie's disease, using a mechanical penis reaction device for some time may help.
On the marked you can also find herbal products to treat injured or diseased blood vessels in the genital area. These products typically contain herbal elements that experience has proven to stimulate tissue repair in blood vessels.


It is not always possible to cure the condition causing erectile problems. Still the problems can be overcome by medication that stimulates the vessels leading blood to the penis to relax and the vessels draining the penis to constrict. These drugs typically achieve this task by stimulating the release of nitrogen oxide in the genital area.
Viagra and Cialis are the best known pharmacological treatment for erection problems. In spite of what people often think, these drugs do not increase the sexual drive. If the sexual excitement is there, Viagra can help to achieve erection, if the drive and excitement lack in the first place, Viagra will not help.
There are also herbal products on the market that stimulate the erection mechanism. Erection oils give an instant erection response, but the response only last 2-3 hours. Erection or potency pills take a longer time to give effect, but the effect lasts for many hours. The herbal product will often contain components that increase the sexual excitement in addition to improving the pure erection mechanism.
If it is not possible at all to achieve erection with any treatment, surgical implants can help to make the penis stiff and raised up enough to perform an intercourse. One type of implant is partly rigid bodies that make the penis permanently partially erected. Another type of implant is inflatable bodies that can make the penis fully erected when the need rises.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. TO FIND natural measures against erection problems, sexually stimulating herbal preparations, and natural medicines against digestive problems, allergy, asthma, acne, eczema, rosacea, scars, wrinkles, over-weight, hypertension, heart disease, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, depression and other common health problems, PLEASE VISIT:----
----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.

Article Source: Wellness Article Library
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Penis Enlargement Strategies

by Marcus Gardner

Article: Penis enlargement, does it really work? What are the best ways to achieve penis enlargement? Is penis size really that important? How long does penis enlargement treatment take to be effective?
The following should NOT be regarded as medical advice or suggestions for treatment. Should you consider that you are suffering from a sexually related problems (impotency, erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation) professional medical advice should be sought.
Is penis enlargement a real possibility?
The answer to this appears to be a resounding YES! With a little carefully applied research, you can find literally thousands of testimonials from satisfied men and their partners who have increased their penis size using the different methods explored below
This article considers four ways that are frequently used to gain extra length and girth, and for the sake of the squeamish, we'll leave the discussion about surgery until last.

Pump It Up
Swallow and Rub
Lets Exercise
Under the Knife

Choosing the right option for you is dependent on what it is you wish to achieve, the amount of hard work you are prepared to invest, how long you're prepared to wait for the benefits, and considerably more. Reading this article will place you in the position of being able to make a reasonably educated decision.

> Pump It Up

The device of choice for penis enlargement, for the uninitiated, this method involves placing what looks like a large test tube over the penis, a vacuum is created inside the test tube with the use of a manual or electrically operated pump. The vacuum inflates the penis by increasing the blood flow for a period of time. The immediate benefit is a hard large erection. Lasting changes take some time we're talking months rather than weeks. Long term results vary from individual to individual and can be affected by the quality of pump used.

The five main reasons for using penis pumps are:

1) Aiding in getting and maintaining an erection.
2) Relieving premature ejaculation and impotence.
3) To encourage better and stronger erections
4) For self-relief - some pumps have inner sleeves and vibrating bullets!
5) Gaining extra girth and length, a 20 -25% increase in girth and an extra 2 inches isn't uncommon over a period of time.
The objective is to stretch the ligament that attaches the penis to the body. It's the different types flasks, pumps, gauges, vibration, sleeves and more, found in the different qualities of pump that will ultimately decide how long it takes, and (possibly) how much of a difference will be made. Using a system that incorporates hanging weights would be a good idea to encourage the stretching of the (suspensory) ligament.
Swallow and Rub

There have been numerous promises quickly made (and quickly broken) about the latest pills that hypothetically induce penis enlargement. Most of these claims are dubious (in our humble opinion) at best, if not fraudulent. Nevertheless, we believe that good quality herbal preparations and creams can show benefits that are related to penis enlargement. Some of these are: Helping achieve stronger, lasting erections. Enhancing your sexual mood. Reducing the risk of premature ejaculation. Increasing libido. Encouraging an increased intensity of climax.
Many treatments contain a blend of well-known herbs that have been used for centuries because of their efficacy. Common ingredients include Horny Goat Weed (boosts the libido and supports erectile function.) Yohimbe (said to: 1.expand the blood vessels in the genitals 2. Accelerate adrenaline flow, 3. Heighten both sexual and emotional sensation. Further herbs used include

Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng and others.

Some creams and lotions contain benzocaine and are applied directly to the penis., a mild numbing sensation occurs. This reduces sensation in the penis. Reported results indicate this helps intercourse last longer. Other creams contain various ingredients that are intended to stimulate blood flow and are massaged into the penis. This can result in larger, stiffer erections.

Lets Exercise

If you are the kind of person who is nervous about surgery (who wouldn't be!) or doubts the efficacy of suction pumps, weights and herbal preparations 'Natural Penis Enlargement' strategies that use a combination of exercises to increase penis size may be the way forward for you. These exercises need to be performed regularly, up to six times weekly. Progress tends to be slow and it could be more than a year before you notice any benefit.
There are many sites out there offering these techniques, but it's a case of 'Buyer Beware'. Some less scrupulous site owner's bulk out the price by offering un-necessary add-ons, shop around and pay only for what you need. Remember these exercise are merely doing the same thing that a good quality pump would do but with a lot more effort (and possibly expense) on your part.

Under the Knife

Penis lengthening using urological surgery has been done for many years now. There are also various procedures to enlarge the girth of the penis, which can add 30-50% in circumference. However it is only recently that these procedures have become even a little more popular (we wonder why?). The lengthening operation involves making a small incision just above the base of the penis and cutting the suspensory ligaments, which hold about 2 inches of the penis inside the body. The immediate 1.5 to 2 inch gain may make this more appealing for some.
As is the case with any cosmetic surgery if you are considering this option, be sure that you have a number of consultations with specialists and doctors and be certain that you know exactly what is going to be done. This is definitely something NOT to rush into.
(c)2006 Marcus Gardner:Marcus Gardner is a qualified Reflexologist of eleven years standing, who also holds numerous computing qualifications including an HNC in business information technology.

Article Source: Wellness Article Library
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