
Getting Pregnant: The Situation, the Labor, and Overall

by Jeff Netsite

Last time that we talked about is how to get pregnant (of course that only applies for the women). It was more about the important things that a woman needs to do in order for her to be successfully pregnant. It may seem easy because all you need to do is stay healthy and follow the guidelines from the website that I referred. But what happens next when you get pregnant? Have you ever thought of the situation you'll be into? And what will you do once you get into labor? This is where things get harder especially if this is your first time.
Let's talk about the situation first when a woman is pregnant. Men should read this as well in order for them to be aware about their wife’s who are pregnant (if you think only women are complicated during their PMS, wait until they get pregnant). When women are pregnant, the body changes its physiological and homeostatic mechanisms to ensure the fetus is provided for. This requires increases in blood sugar, breathing and cardiac output. That's why pregnant women are more into sweets like chocolates and fruits. Another thing that you should notice is a women's physical appearance. Normally, they gain weight and their boobs will grow big. There are also times where some part of their body like underarm or cheeks will get darker. The darkening of skin is due to the increase of melanin being produced. So guys, be careful of how you compliment your lady or else, you're going to get it.
Next is the labor. It is pretty much the same as the changes that women go through during pregnancy. One thing that you will probably notice is that pregnant women always go to the bathroom to urinate. Another thing is the term "contractions. According to "", it is the regular tightening of the uterus, working to dilate and efface the cervix and to push the baby down the birth canal. And for women, this hurts like hell (not that I'm scaring you women to get pregnant). As soon as the water brag brakes, contraction will happen soon, again for the guys, just a reminder. Just because your wife is in pain, doesn't mean the baby will come out soon. Learn more about contractions and you'll understand the pains that I'm referring to.
One website I can refer you to be "" where it gives you information about pregnancy specially those women who are having difficulties getting pregnant. Those are the ones who have complications on their body, or the women who are in 30 years plus of age. Read their story on how they were able to get pregnant. The website offers this e-book called "Pregnancy Miracle" where it will give you all the information you'll ever need to eliminate your Infertility permanently in weeks and become pregnant naturally within 3-4 months, without using drugs, without surgery and without any side effects.
For more info visit: help get pregnant and getting pregnant

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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Exercising vs High Blood Pressure


Exercise is recommended for just about everyone, and if you suffer from high blood pressure it is no different. Exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle overall can, in fact, help you reduce your high blood pressure and prevent heart disease and other common ailments associated with high blood pressure. However, there are a few special considerations to remember when you are exercising if you have high blood pressure and, as always, check with your doctor before starting any new exercising program or routine.

Before you begin a new exercising program, check your blood pressure at a doctor’s office or hospital regularly. If your numbers are consistently 180/110 mm Hg or higher, you should take steps to reduce this to a more normal level before doing any kind of intense exercise or training. The same is true if your blood pressure is moderately high but you suffer from other conditions, such as diabetes or breathing problems. However, even at this point, you can begin an exercise program by simply doing less-intense motor activities such as walking. Once you have your blood pressure more under control, your goal should be about 30 minutes of physical activity for five days out of the week. This means that you should break a sweat and be slightly out of breath, but there is no need to overdo it.

There are, however, certain activities that people with high blood pressure should avoid in order to reduce the risk of worsening the condition. Lifting weights is the most popular example. Because this is very stressful on the heart, if you have high blood pressure, weight training is discouraged. Highly intensive cardiovascular workouts are also not good for people with high blood pressure, as blood pressure levels rise significantly after very difficult physical strains on your body, and these higher levels could be very dangerous in someone who already has high blood pressure. A good rule of thumb is to simply know your own body. Push yourself in your training, but don’t overdo it.

Yoga and other Eastern slow-movement exercise routines are especially useful for people with high blood pressure, as they tend to work the body in a more heart-friendly way. Warm up and cool down for these, as well as any exercise program is very important. While you may primarily think of warm up and cool down times as preventative measures you take to avoid cramps and injuries, remember that the heart is a muscle too. By warming up and cooling down, you slowly raise and lower your blood pressure, rather than causing dangerous spikes.

There is almost no one in the world who cannot benefit from moderate exercise. If you get little or no exercise currently, speak to you doctor about finding a routine that is right for you. Over time, exercise cannot only help you lower your weight and cholesterol, but also your blood pressure. Exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle in general, and so by choosing a program that fits your needs you can live longer and be more healthy than you have ever been before.

Paul Johnson has an interest in High Blood Pressure. For further information on High Blood Pressure please visit or .

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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Insider Secrets Of Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease

By Gladys Alvarez


Heart disease is quite uncommon among people who eat lots of fish. Certain unsaturated fatty acids unique to fish are thought to be responsible for this protective effect.

Eat at least four ounces of fish a week. Best: Rich, oily species like bluefish, mackerel, tuna and Salmon, but before you ingest whatever kind of fish you choose, you would be wise to make sure that fish is not contaminated with any chemicals. Whether you realize it or not, our environment has been compromised over and over.

What about fish-oil supplements? There's little evidence that they're beneficial.


Study after study has proven that an occasional drink raises levels of HDL cholesterol (that is your "good cholesterol"). Men whose HDL is below 30 should consider having one or two drinks daily (one if you're a woman).

One drink equals a glass of wine, a shot of distilled spirits or 12 ounces of beer. A sip of alcohol or one drink a day for women, can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease, especially when in combination with healthful eating habits, (more is not recommended) because too much alcohol raises the risk of other diseases that affect your liver or causes cancer.

Low-dose aspirin therapy-one-half tablet a day-is proven to prevent heart attacks in those who have heart disease.

Aspirin may also be beneficial for individuals at risk for heart disease. That includes men over 50 and postmenopausal women. There's no evidence that preventive aspirin therapy is beneficial to people with healthy hearts.

Word of Caution: If you're allergic to aspirin, have ulcers or are prone to digestive bleeding, aspirin therapy is not for you. Consult your physician as to other alternatives.


Cholesterol damages arteries when it has been oxidized, via a chemical reaction analogous to rusting.

Fortunately, the body has enzymes that prevent oxidation by "mopping up" the unstable molecules (free radicals) that cause oxidation. Three antioxidant nutrients - vitamins C and E and beta-carotene - give this natural defense system a big boost, especially when taken in combination.

Sufficient levels of beta-carotene can easily be obtained by eating green and yellow vegetables, and vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits. But it's hard to get much vitamin E from dietary sources, so start taking a daily supplement but research what quantities are enough for you, or ask your physician.


There's been much less research on chromium than on the "big three" antioxidants. But in one study, volunteers took 200 micrograms of the mineral three times a day.

Results: Levels of protective HDL cholesterol rose by 16%. That translates into 20% reduction in the risk for heart disease.

If your HDL levels are below 30, and it cannot be raised via weight loss, exercise or moderate alcohol consumption, ask your doctor about taking, chromium supplements.

Important Note for Diabetics: Glucose tolerance factor (GTF) seems to be safer than the more popular supplement, chromium iodinate. In another study involving more than 15,000 physicians and researchers, it was found that those whose blood contained high levels of the amino acid homocysteine were more likely to have a heart attack. Homocysteine seems to damage artery walls and promote clotting. To keep homocysteine levels down: take a daily supplement containing vitamins B-6 and B-12 and folic acid.


Your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar should be checked each time you have a physical exam. However, if you are diabetic, a blood profile and A1C should be checked every three months.

Moreover, you should have an electrocardiogram with each check-up. Stress tests aren't necessary unless you're having chest pains or other heart disease symptoms.

Dr. Gladys Alvarez has spent over forty five years working in different Medical Fields to include Surgical Oncology, Research on Aids at one of our most prestigious universities as well as has been a correspondent who has traveled extensively around the world studying different lifestyles, cultures and their nutritional habits because she is committed to educate the consumer as to the benefits of living a happy, healthy lifestyle through fitness, weight loss and nutrition. If you have found this article helpful, please visit her website to receive your FREE videos at TODAY!

Copyright (c) All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Lowering HDL Cholesterol Is Bad For Your Health

By Darran G Butler

When it comes to cholesterol, there are actually two different types: the good and the bad. The good kind is called HDL and the bad is called LDL. Though many people get them confused, it is actually important to realize that lowering HDL cholesterol is not the goal. The goal is to lower LDL cholesterol. In order to understand how to lower LDL cholesterol, you must realize that this rises when you consume too much saturated fat. Your liver will produce cholesterol when it receives saturated fat and too much cholesterol can lead to many heart problems and can eventually lead to heart attacks or strokes. You will have to understand what foods are high in saturated fat so that you will be able to avoid these foods at all costs.

Butter And Dairy Products

Butter is the main culprit behind a lot of the saturated fats that you eat. You will be able to see butter in a lot of the foods that you eat and of course in the desserts. Avoid eating foods like popcorn and ice cream because these are some of the most loved foods, yet still very bad for you.

Hydrogenated Oils

Avoid all foods that have "hydrogenated oils" on the back label, as this is a warning sign to ignore this food. A lot of foods that are said to be "healthy" actually have this and it should automatically tell you that the food is not good for you. These foods will dramatically increase your bad cholesterol levels and even pull down your good cholesterol levels.

Junk Food

Junk food is full of saturated and trans fat and this is actually much worse. Most people are addicted to junk food and this is the main cause of obesity in America, as well as lowering HDL cholesterol. Combine this with video games and the Internet and you are left with millions of people living sedentary, unhealthy lives. Foods like chips, ice cream, whipped cream and anything with refined sugars are all the main causes of high cholesterol.

Instead of lowering HDL cholesterol, avoiding these foods will help you lower your bad LDL cholesterol. Also, become more active and avoid being lazy at all costs. Try to take up a new hobby and realize how important it is to exercise and feel active. If you truly want to avoid having high bad cholesterol, you must avoid all these foods and start to eat all the foods that are healthy for you. Foods like fruits and vegetables should definitely be a heavy focus of your diet. Combine that with lean meats, like fish and chicken, and you will be able to see your cholesterol levels drop naturally. Lowering your cholesterol is not impossible, but it will take commitment and perseverance to be able to stick to your diet and you must stay active. With the right determination and knowledge, you will live the healthy lifestyle that you have always wanted.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and lowering HDL cholesterol. For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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Increase Sperm Count by Ayurveda

by Dr John Anne

Sex is the requirement of any living organism to make his species grow. It is one of the basic instincts of human being.
Every individual wants his or her progeny to be superior to other. It all depends upon the genes what you transfer to your descendents. It is very often seen that people who are very intelligent or successful in their lives, do not surely have their children matching their capabilities or children of normal parents turn out to be a genius. The quality of sperms you transfer to your progeny makes them achieve what they do.
You can help your progeny to achieve better life by contributing the best quality of sperms to them that are the blue print of what your progeny will be.
Your contribution is of very important, as all the traits your progeny carries are your image. Health of your progeny depends upon the genes it possesses which have been transferred by you. If you transfer your diseased genes to your progeny, your progeny will be dull and might suffer from many congenital diseases. More over the intelligence level also depends upon the chromosomal structure what an individual possess. Hence we can surely say that genes of Newton or Einstein were far more superior to what their parents had. So what our children achieve in their lives are somehow likened to us.
The worlds most ancient medicinal therapy system i.e. ayurveda, strictly mentions in its texts that sperm quality should be increased to achieve a better and superior progeny. But now the question arises that what should be done to increase the quality of sperms?
Ayurveda has answer to this problem. Ayurveda has mentioned certain measures by which quality and quantity of sperms can be increased. Certain herbs are also mentioned by which this can be achieved.
Charak samhita, one of the most famous ancient medicinal texts have dedicated whole chapter regarding increasing quality and quantity of the sperms. It has mentioned certain methods i.e. lifestyle and supplements by which sperms of great quality can be generated.
Following are the properties of the herbs that are considered best for producing good quality and amount of sperms. In ayurveda these herbs are called as bajikaran dravya (sperm quality and quantity increasing herb)
· Madhur (sweet)
· Snigdh (unctuousness)
· Brihan (growth promoter)
· Guru (heavy)

Properties of good sperms as mentioned in Ayurveda

· Bahal (thick)
· Madhur (sweet)
· Snigdh (unctuousness)
· Guru (heavy)
· Picchill (slimy)
· Shukl (white) in colour
· Smell less

Reason for decreased quality of sperms

· Older age
· Stress
· Disease like vericoceole, diabetes etc.
· Doing more physical and mental activities
· Obesity
· Over indulgence in sexual activities and masturbation
· Consumption of drug and alcohol
· Usage of steroids
· Smoking
· Wearing of tight underwear which put extra pressure on testicles
· Using of excess of hot water during bathing
· Excess exposure to heat
· Exposure to radiations especially greater than 60 radians
· Consumption of unhealthy and non nutritious food
· Lack of proper rest and sleep
· Usage of medicines like anti depressant pills etc.

Methods of increasing sperm quality and count

· Decrease the frequency of sexual activities to twice or thrice a week.
· Stop in take of non nutritious food and artificial diet supplements
· Masturbate less
· Quit smoking
· Stop alcohol and drugs consumption
· Exercise regularly
· Do yogic and medicational exercises regularly
· Avoid stressful work
· Try to take rest in between long hours of work
· Sleep at least for 6- 8 hours continuously
· Avoid wearing tight undergarments and clothing
· Avoid direct exposure to heat and other radiations

Besides adapting above said methods, ayurveda has also mentioned some herbal remedies that are very beneficial in promoting quality and quantity of sperm. These are bajikaran dravya (herbs that provide strength, vigor and vitality just like a horse)


A powerful sexual tonic specially designed and processed to enhance the ability and to endure sexual drive much longer than the normal. It is a wonderful herb used since ages to improve your sperm quality. Ancient herbal doctors to make progeny of king the best amongst the other rulers have used Shilajit since ages, to promote sperm quality. Even sperm count can also be increased by use of shilajit. Shilajit also provides that extra endurance and power to sustain longer and last more than an average man do. So shilajit make a male, a MAN. Its properties help it to become an antiaging agent that helps you to stay young and enjoy the energies, which a youth possess for longer period of your life.


A well-known herbal remedy to promote production of best quality sperm that has been used since time immemorial by our ancient scientist cum physicians. Ashwagandha possess properties that help in increasing quality of sperm and also increases the sperm count. Ashwagandha is a sexual ability promotor that helps in increasing endurance and long lasting capabilities. Its unique constituent helps it to suppress vata-dominated diseases therefore widely used as painkiller and health supplement.

Kohinoor gold

A great formulation specially designed to satisfy men’s basic instinct and help him to generate new and good progeny that helps in carrying out his generation as a superior amongst all the companions. An herbal remedy to increase the quantity of sperm and also the quality of sperm that makes it more viable in producing superior kind of progeny. Its unique blend of powerful herbs helps it to provide that extra amount of endurance and energy that a man always had wished for. Its constituent’s herbs are winter cherry, cowhage, shatavari, Spanish pellitory, black musale, henbane, black bitumen, and saffron. All these herbs a famous for there energy enhancer and sexual ability promoter properties. These herbs are extremely used in ayurveda to provide strength and increase vitality of body and also promoting mental stabilility.
Know more on Herbal Viagra and its health benefits as compared to Viagra at
Dr John Anne

Article Source: Wellness Article Library
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How To Create Your Own Sample Low Cholesterol Diet

By Darran G Butler

If you are looking for a sample low cholesterol diet to help you stay healthy, then this means that you are willing to make a change in your life. This is ultimately the first step to a healthier lifestyle. A such, a diet will consist of low-fat and non-fat alternatives to foods that you normally eat. It is actually not very hard to stick to a low cholesterol diet because there are a variety of different healthy foods. You will eat healthy grains, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables. This information will be able to give you information you need to create your own low cholesterol diet and have a healthier heart.

Healthy Grains

Avoid grains that are processed and have white flour. Instead use whole grain foods. Eating a high amount of carbohydrates can raise your cholesterol levels and, of course, increase your chances of getting a heart disease. By choosing whole grain foods, you will be eating more fiber which can help lower your cholesterol.

Lean Proteins

Surround your meals with lean meats like chicken or fish. Compared to red meat that contain high levels of saturated fat, lean meats will be a much healthier choice compared to steaks and fatty pieces of meat. You will then be able to reduce the amount of fat you consume.

Fruits and Vegetables

No matter what diet you are on, is should always include lots of fruits and vegetables. These foods are very low in calories, fat and they will also not raise your cholesterol levels. Most fruits and vegetables will have phytosterols and polyphenols, which are known to be heart-healthy chemicals. Leafy green vegetables are the absolute best in any sample low cholesterol diet.

Fats and Oils

Focus on lowering your intake of saturated fats because this type of fat will raise your cholesterol level and increase your chances of getting heart disease. Always look at the ingredients of the foods that you are eating, and if they have partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, you should ignore them completely. These oils are in margarine and shortenings and are known as trans fats, which are very bad. Trans fats will most likely raise your blood cholesterol levels and will cause plaques in your arteries. Try to cook with healthier alternatives like olive or canola oils, as they are slightly healthier.

When trying to make your own low cholesterol diet, you should focus on having a healthy mix of these foods with a heavy emphasis on leafy green vegetables. A sample low cholesterol diet will have you eating a lot of vegetables and lean meats all throughout the day and healthy grains in the morning. Make sure that you also implement a workout program and try to be as active as possible. These are all great ways to stay healthy and live a longer life. Remember that you will be able to see results in a short time as long as you stay consistent and stick to your diet. Stay motivated and make sure that you are making changes that will last you a lifetime.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. �He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and, specifically, create a sample low cholesterol diet. �For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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