
How To Know If You Are Overtraining


As everyone knows, exercise is good for you. It helps to keep your weight down, helps to keep you toned up, and helps to make you feel good. So then, if getting a little exercise is good for you, then it must be better to get even more and if getting more indeed is better, then it stands to reason that getting a lot would be even better. Sounds logical, doesn't it? However, this is not always the case.

When you exercise with fairly high intensity, and you exercise that way often, there will come a time at some point when your body will begin to slowly start to shut down. People will get to this point at different times, depending on their fitness levels and exercise intensity and frequency. If after exercise you tend to feel more wore out than worked out, you may already be a victim of overtraining.

There are some signs that your body will give you both physically and mentally that will let you know that you are overtraining. It is wise to recognize these signs and act accordingly, before the problem gets to the point of causing you possible serious injury. Some of the major signs to be aware of are:

" Decreased performance
" Lack of motivation
" Poor coordination
" Loss of appetite
" Chronic muscle soreness

" Chronic stiffness at the joints
" Chronic headaches
" Longer recovery times
" Loss of concentration
" Reduced self esteem
" Depression
You need to understand that whatever your exercise goals are, your body needs ample time to recover and adjust to the demanding loads you placed on it. Sometimes people who are newcomers to the world of exercise will try to do too much too soon, and may ignore their body when it's trying to tell them to take a break.
In the case of some who have been into exercise for a while, they will often view these signs as an obstacle and feel the best way to deal with it is to "work through it" or "tough it out". For some others, the problems causing them to overtrain may be more psychological. Excessive exercise is now recognized as a legitimate problem, much like anorexia nervosa or bulimia.
For most, the solution to the problem is simply to exercise in moderation or cut back on the intensity from time to time. Use periodization in your routines. When you feel the signs of overtraining coming on, reduce the intensity of your workouts for a while. When you are ready to increase the intensity again (your body will let you know), then gradually start to pick it up again.

Know your limitations, and never try to compare yourself to anyone else as this is asking for problems. There are some times when you should even just take a whole week completely off and do no exercise at all. This is like taking a vacation from work, it gives you body and your mind a chance to relax and rejuvenate so you can start again a week later nice and fresh.

Remember, if you exercise to the point of overtraining it is almost as bad as not exercising at all. Overtraining will only impede your progress, not help it and in the long run, if you let yourself overtrain, you may be headed for some very unwanted side effects.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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Vitamin B: A Complex Mix


Vitamin B is more often referred to today as the B vitamins to better relate that it is actually a group of 8 different vitamins, with varying functions and sources. B vitamins, like vitamin C, are water soluble, which means that extra levels of B vitamins are excreted by the body, though small amounts are stored in the liver and toxicity, while rare, is possible.
Most people will recognize many of the B vitamins by name. They include thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin (B1, 2, and 3, respectively), as well as folic acid (B9). The other four B vitamins are less commonly referred to and are: pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12), pantothenic acid, and biotin.
The B vitamins serve many functions in the body, including the breakdown of different kinds of foods into energy, maintenance and protection of the nervous system, production of blood cells, and maintenance of healthy skin.
Deficiencies of most B vitamins are rare, because they are found in many different food sources. While sources abound though, deficiencies can exist if someone has a condition that affects their ability to absorb or use B vitamins. Whole grain breads and cereals contain thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid and folic acid. Milk contains riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Foods with lots of protein like eggs and meats contain B vitamins, especially red and organ meats.
Alcoholics, along with being susceptible to many other health problems, can be vulnerable to thiamine deficiency, also known as beriberi. Alcohol prevents the body from properly absorbing thiamine and many alcoholics also do not eat otherwise healthy diets, so they are doubly prone to lacking this and other vitamins.
Riboflavin is very active in the maintenance of skin and other tissues, so deficiency of this vitamin can cause skin lesions and dermatitis. There has been a lot in the news in the past couple of years about the importance of folic acid for women of child bearing age. Women who have adequate levels of folic acid when they get pregnant are less likely to have babies with neural tube defects. The folic acid must be present before pregnancy because these types of birth defects occur in the first weeks of pregnancy, and oftentimes women will not even know they are pregnant yet.
You may have heard of people getting B12 shots because of a deficiency of this vitamin called pernicious anemia. This occurs particularly in people over 60, because as we age, our stomachs have less ability to produce the substance intrinsic factor, which must combine with B12 taken through food or oral supplements in order to be absorbed by the body.
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Pernicious Anemia


You may have heard of people who have to get vitamin B12 shots because of a condition called pernicious anemia. What is this, how is it different from other anemia, and what are the symptoms?
Pernicious anemia is a deficiency of the B12 vitamin. Vitamins do not provide nutrition to the body on their own, rather they work with food or other elements in the body such as bacterias and enzymes to help the body work properly. Their absorption is also affected by other substances in the body, some that are already there, and some that people may ingest. In order to absorb vitamin B12, the body uses a substance called intrinsic factor, which is produced by the stomach. Some people’s bodies either do not produce intrinsic factor at all, or they do not produce enough to effectively process vitamin B12 taken through food sources (like milk) or oral supplements. Older people may suffer from pernicious anemia even if they did not have it earlier in life, because as we age, our bodies produce less intrinsic factor. Also, more women than men suffer from it. People with pernicious anemia have to receive B12 by injection, because this form does not require combination with intrinsic factor to be absorbed by the body. People can also suffer from B12 deficiency unrelated to intrinsic factor problems, and this is called macrocytic anemia. It can be caused by poor diet, alcoholism, or metabolic disorders.
Symptoms of pernicious anemia include fatigue, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, and shortness of breath. While these symptoms fit a large range of maladies, people with pernicious anemia may also exhibit the Babinski reflex. When you stroke the bottom of the foot, the big toe flexes up and the other toes fan out. It is a reflex present in newborns and usually disappears by the age of 2, as the nervous system matures. When the reflex exists in older people, it can be a sign of nerve damage. It can be inherited, and is rarely diagnosed until age 30. All anemia is characterized by lower than normal numbers of red blood cells. There are several different types of anemia with different causes. Common anemias you may be familiar with are anemia caused by iron deficiency, and sickle cell anemia, where red blood cells are sickle, or crescent moon shaped and can stick together, causing fatigue and other symptoms. In pernicious anemia, patients have a low red blood cell count, but the red blood cells they do have are abnormally large, and their white blood cells have abnormally large nuclei. Further tests for antibodies against intrinsic factor can be performed to make a diagnosis of pernicious anemia.
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Yoga Helps A Great Deal In Lowering Cholesterol

by Ashish Jain

Are you worried for having some extra cholesterol in your blood? Well, many people are fighting hard battle against the increased cholesterol levels. For, they are much vulnerable to heart diseases much like the heart patients. But I have got a very easy and natural remedy to control your high cholesterol.

Some time back, I had a cholesterol level above the normal range and I used this alternative technique to reduce my extra cholesterols. Well, the technique being discussed here is none other the age old technique of keeping fit. That is YOGA.

Yes, Yoga helped me a great deal in reducing my high cholesterol levels. Now I am perfectly fit and rocking. So, if you have also found high cholesterol in your blood don't get stressed as stress will only harm you further. The tensed brain and heart needs more blood so the heartbeat and blood circulation will increase and will create more problems to your arteries.

Yoga has solved the problem of cholesterol for many people. It has been acclaimed by all for its simple nature and mode of exercises, which any one can do quite easily.

Yoga is a kind of exercise based on the unification of body, mind and spirit. There are meditations associated with it. There are different kinds of exercises under the yoga program that are used for various problems in your body. Some of them are to keep your mind and body in sound health.

Yoga for controlling cholesterol reduces the fat content in your blood and ensures you a healthy heart, brain and blood circulation. Don't misguide yourself with certain ideas that the LDL cholesterol is very hard to get rid of. Th main factor with cholesterol is that the fats in your body don't get burned up due to lack of physical activity or improper life style.

The cholesterol flows in the blood and an increase in its amount make the cholesterol deposit on the walls of the blood vessels. The result is clogging of the blood arteries.

Join yoga classes today for the unwanted fats in your blood. If you postpone your admission to the yoga classes, the fats may slowly go on increasing and may create some serious problems for you in the future. The yoga instructor will teach you all those exercises that burn the fat faster, increase your blood circulation and make your heart healthy.

Yoga can control cholesterol by asanas (mode of exercise) meant for the cholesterol. There are millions of people performing yoga for different ailments. Especially, in the quest of a perfect body. They are highly satisfied and I am sure you too will find the similar benefits.

Discover the magnificence of the yoga that has so many things to impart. They will surely help you get rid of the cholesterol and you will be highly satisfied when after two months you go to check the level and find them impressively low.

To get more information on cholesterol, cholestrol and reduce cholesterol visit

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Nutritional Supplements And How They Help Your Health


From ancient times people have been taking nutritional supplements. They started with natural herbs often home grown which were usually brewed into teas and tonics.
Now they have become more sophisticated and are available in all sorts of pills, capsules, liquids and of course teas of all sorts.
What are nutritional supplements? Nutritional supplements are used to add nutrients to our diets that are missing or not taken in large enough quantities. They are available in pills capsules, liquids and teas. They can be synthetic or from natural sources. They will contain one or more of the following ingredients:

• Vitamins
• Minerals
• Herbs
• Amino acids
• Saccharides

Why do we need nutritional supplements? These supplements are not intended to replace meals but enhance our diets. There are several reasons that we would be taking them:
• Environment: our environment has deteriorated over the years and we are now getting more toxins from the air, the water and even in the foods we eat, than ever before. Our bodies have to work more to protect and rid ourselves of these unwanted substances. Therefore it is wise for us to take nutritional supplements to help our bodies to do this.
• Stress: Stress will cause your body to function less efficiently. This will put your body at risk for a number of things, especially low resistance for disease. Supplements, especially Glyconutrients will help your bodies immune system get stronger and also help your body function better.
• Poor eating habits: Due to busy lifestyles, our ways of growing food and green harvests we are not getting the important nutrients our bodies need to keep us in good health. We often do not even stop to eat proper meals. This makes it necessary for us to take supplements to enhance our diets and add important nutrients to our diets.
• Athletic activities: when we take more exercise then normal our bodies need more nourishment. A professional athlete or even someone doing extra work outs needs more nutrition. Dietary supplements would include, Proteins, minerals, vitamins and saccharides (Glyconutrients).
• Part of a weight loss plan: when you go on a diet to lose weight you will be eating less and running the risk of not getting enough of the essential nutrients in your diet that your body needs. Therefore you would often be taking some nutritional supplements. Some of these substances even claim to help you to lose weight.
How do they improve your health? Different supplements will help you in different ways.
Glyconutrients: The latest nutritional supplements to come on the market are the saccharides. These are known as Glyconutrients. There are 8 of these essential nutrients:

• Mannose
• Glucose
• Galactose
• Xylose
• Fucose (not fructose)
• N-acetylglucosamine
• N-acetylneuramic acid
• N-acetylgalactosamine

These nutrients have only lately been researched with a technology known as Glycobiology. These nutrients have been shown to be vital to our health especially regarding our immune system and the ability of the body to heal itself.
Ambrotose: is a supplement made up of these Glyconutrients. Taking these supplements will help you to feel healthier and enjoy your life to the fullest.
Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Consultant. His clients range from pro athletes and actresses, to cancer patients and children with Learning Disabilities. To learn if glyconutrients can hep you, visit his Glyconutrients site for a consultattion.
Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles

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Penis Enlargement Facts

by edwinthompson

Many men pay attention to the length of their penis. Many never imagine the girth of the penis when one is considering penis enlargement. The size of the penis can make some men feel insecure and less of a man, as size indeed plays a big role in a man’s life. Despite this, many women want the girth of the penis aside from its length.
The size of a man’s penis plays a major role for a woman as she gets her most pleasure out of it. So the importance of the dimension is just as important as the length. The woman's vagina is equally sensitive, and the excitement and sensation are there to discover, as certain areas of her genitalia are quite sensitive, the presence of a good penis proportion makes the whole experience a lot more exciting.
The average size of a penis when it is erect is 5.25 inches, and the average length of the penis is between 6 and 6.5 inches, as shown by surveys taken from all over the world. To enlarge the penis, exercise programs were designed, and one needs to follow these programs along with certain products that will help further boost the size of their penis. There are many other penis enlargement methods available. The most accepted method is the natural method of penis enhancement because it is not that expensive, and it is also safe. There are also penis pumps which may be used to add inches to the length of the penis. Pills, creams and solutions are all over the market right now, which still has to be tested and must be used with certain exercises or devices to prove their worth.
Exercises and therapies are also available in helping you achieve the most desired results. One may observe that blood goes to the places within the genitalia were there was no blood found there before. Some of the blood vessels circulate poorly inside the penis, and exercises help a lot in circulating the blood around the genital area to make it more active and alive. Clogged veins and poor blood circulation is the reason why the penis is not as erect as it should be. While doing exercises for the enlargement of the penis, the penis size and length will start to build, and favorable results can be seen in no time.
Enlargement is generally a time-consuming method. It may take months before you see any improvements. Everything will depend on the body type and penis condition of the man in order to get the much needed results. The enhancement of the penis can be a slow process. It is very challenging to determine which methods of penis enlargement and products used for it are very viable to use and follow. Much depends on the individual, for there is no direct and general approach to penile enlargement.
Overall, having a large penis can be quite a blessing, but having a little one does not mean otherwise. The idea is to perform well. No matter what size you have, its how you use it that matters at the end of the day.
My name is Edwin and I provide penis enlargement Information on my website. Visit my site at
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Which Lower Abs Exercise Actually Works ? - Lose Weight And Get A Flat Stomach

by steve lobon

Which Lower Abs Exercise Actually Works?

If you are like most of us, your stomach is one of your problem areas when it comes to losing weight. It seems like the area just below your belly button is one of the last places that you will lose fat. This is what leads many people to look for a lower abs exercise that actually works. Because spot reducing is a myth, it is impossible to specifically

lose fat in one area without losing it in others as well.

There are several lower abs exercises that will work if you do them on a regular basis. However, you can tone and tighten particular areas of your body using particular exercises. For instance, yoga is well known to tone and tighten the body while making the muscles more flexible and elongated.

Pilates is another form of exercise that strengthens the core abdominal muscles and will help you flatten out your belly. In addition, doing crunches is always a good stand-alone exercise to do on a daily basis. In fact, some people have found great success

doing something called reverse crunches. When doing this exercise, instead of pulling your upper body up, you are actually bringing your knees up toward your chest.

Another terrific exercise for lower ab fat would be the bicycle exercise. This is where you lay on your back with your hands behind your head. Bring your knees up to a 45° angle so that the bottom of your feet are just off the floor. Now start to pedal as if you are on a bicycle while you are touching one knee to the opposite elbow each time. You will certainly feel this exercise in the lower abdominal area!
When looking for a lower abs exercise that will work for you, it is important to note that anything will work as
long as you do it on a regular basis.
Of course, you also must change your eating habits and eat a diet
higher in protein and lower in simple carbohydrates. You want to avoid simple sugars and a lot of fatty foods as well.

If you found this useful then visit - a great resource with useful articles. You can also download a FREE 65 page ebook and find out about the best lower abs exercise available on the net.

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Why Use A Sports Bra?


Many people equate the use of a sports bra with someone who is highly athletic such as a runner or someone who participates in a great deal of sports activities. Though this is the general belief of many women, this is not factual information. Any woman who participates in even regular exercise should invest in a sports bra. A good sports bra is just as important as a good pair of the proper type of shoes for the purpose, yet 73% of women who exercise on a regular basis are not wearing them.
There are a great deal of myths that exist concerning the care of the breasts. One of these is that the breast has no muscles. The fact is that glandular tissue and fat comprises most of the female breast, which is held in position by very delicate ligaments. This means that an excessive movement of the breast such as that which occurs during exercise causes strain on these ligaments. Over time, the ligaments will stretch, and in the long term, the breasts will begin to sag. Once the ligaments stretch, there is no exercise that will return the breasts to their former position. Even if you have small breasts, exercise will cause a movement of 40mm away from the body, so the need for support during exercise is important no matter what size breasts you have.
Another problem that is the result of inadequate breast support is sore and tender breasts following exercise. A survey conducted of general practitioner’s showed that 80% agree that the support of a sports bra will reduce stress on the ligaments and help delay the long-term sagging breasts. Though many women are of the mistaken notion that an ordinary, everyday bra can provide the same support, studies have shown that breast movement is reduced by only 38% as opposed to 74% when a sports bra is worn.
If you are athletic or even exercise regularly, you should certainly invest in a sports bra in order to prevent the movement of your breast during periods of activity or exercise. It is also a welcome addition after childbirth when it is recommended that you keep your bra on twenty-four hours a day since a sports bra is much more comfortable for sleeping and prevents the breasts from moving around during sleep.
The use of sports bras among women is grossly underutilized, especially among those who regularly exercise. If this is not changed within a very short time frame, the future is going to show an increase in the number of women with weak and sagging breasts. The time to work toward preventing this is in the early years of life before any permanent damage has been done. As already stated, no exercise is going to reverse stretched ligaments that are the result of a lack of support. The solution to the problem is prevention rather than cure. Keeping this in mind be sure that before you attend your next exercise session, you purchase a well-fitting sports bra that will reduce the amount of breast movement as you work out or perform sports.
Donna Somerkin specializes in sport bras and bras

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Characteristics Of Enzymes


The word enzyme comes from the Greek ‘ensymo’. Here ‘en’ means ‘at’ or ‘in’ and ‘simo’ means ‘leaven’ or ‘yeast’. The enzymes are biological catalysts. These are by and large proteins. There are also some RNAs that have catalytic activity. These are referred to as RNA enzymes or ribozymes. The enzymes bind temporarily to one or more of the reactants in a reaction and lower the amount of activation energy needed. In this way they speed up the reaction. The enzymes may speed up reactions by a factor of many millions.
If it were not for the enzymes then most of the chemical reactions in biological cells would occur too slowly. The products obtained from such reaction would also have been different. In this respect the enzymes are essential for sustenance of life. Again, a malfunctioning of a single enzyme can lead to a severe disease. Such malfunctioning may stem from mutation, overproduction, underproduction or deletion of the enzyme.
Changes in pH and temperature affect the activity of enzymes to a large extent. Every enzyme works at its optimum level at a certain temperature and pH. At temperature and pH levels above and below that point the activity of the enzyme decreases.
Other molecules can affect the activity of enzymes. There are certain naturally occurring or synthetically prepared molecules that decrease or even completely abolishing enzyme activity. These are called inhibitors. There are also activators, which increase activities of enzymes.
Apart from the use of enzymes for their biological role they are also commercially used for other purposes. There are many cleaners used in the household, which use enzymes to speed up chemical reactions. Breakings down of proteins or removing starch stains in clothes are facilitated by the use of enzymes. There are more than 5,000 known enzymes. The names of the enzymes characteristically include the suffix ‘ase’ added to the name of the substrate.
The enzymes are found in all tissues and fluids of the body. The intracellular enzymes catalyze the reactions of metabolic pathways, the plasma membrane enzymes regulates catalysis within cells in response to extra cellular signals while the enzymes of the circulatory system regulate the clotting of blood.
Barney Garcia writes about many different topics. He is a proud contributing author and invites you to his websites. and
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Why High Cholesterol Is Bad for Your Health

By Karen Christel B Gaza

Cholesterol itself is not really all that bad for the heart and body. But, too much of it is very alarming and can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and stroke.

Cardiovascular, or heart disease, is the leading cause of mortality in our society today. There are numerous factors that increase your risk of getting these life-threatening diseases. The number one common risk factor for heart attacks and strokes is an increased level of cholesterol. Other predisposing factors such as lack of exercise, poor diet and cigarette smoking may also contribute to a higher risk of this incidence.

Everybody should be aware that living a healthy lifestyle is wealth. In order to prevent heart ailments, it is imperative for everybody, especially for those people who are in their late 20's and early 30's, to start taking care of their heart and try to be conscious about their diet.

Let's take a closer look at what cholesterol is to give us a better understanding of how it functions on its own and find out why high cholesterol is bad for our health.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty or waxy substance that is found in the bloodstream. It is a lipid that is mainly required for hormone synthesis, cellular repair and building. The two major sources of cholesterol are from your liver and from the foods that you eat.

Basically, cholesterol is merely not as bad as it looks. In fact, it generally helps the body to become fully functional and also aids in building healthy cells. It is essential for hormonal synthesis that enables the distribution of vitamins, minerals and other substantial substances needed for cell growth and normal cell function.

Contrary to popular belief having cholesterol is not necessarily a bad thing. Our bodies need certain amounts of it in order to function properly. But, having elevated cholesterol levels is not the same case. It is known to increase the risk of certain heart diseases such as CAD or coronary artery disease.

Good versus Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a mixture of protein molecules that form the substance called lipoproteins. These lipoproteins are classified into two categories - the low density lipoprotein (LDL) and the high density lipoprotein (HDL).

The low density lipoproteins, also known as the "bad cholesterol", function as the primary transporters of cholesterol into the cell. However, an increased or imbalanced number of it may cause deposition of lipoproteins into the arterial vessels of the body. Thus, it signifies a plaque formation that clogs the arteries which increases the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.

The high density lipoproteins on the other hand are known as the "good cholesterol". They transport bad lipoproteins away from the cells of the arterial wall to the liver for excretion. Therefore, this type of cholesterol attaches to those bad ones and transports it for elimination.

Having an increased amount of LDL in the bloodstream is not good. That is the essence of why high cholesterol is bad for the heart and body. In order to keep the cholesterol levels balanced, it is a must to follow a healthy lifestyle that is focused on having increased activity, following a recommended dietary course and abstinence from smoking and alcohol consumption.

The author shares valuable information about high cholesterol and heart disease. Learn more about why high cholesterol is bad for your health and how to decrease cholesterol naturally by visiting us online. A FREE gift awaits your visit!

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Postpartum Depression


Women around the globe are resenting the day that their bodies will go through a transformation.
When postpartum depression kicks in women often feel sluggish, unconnected to reality, and often undergo several other symptoms that include depression.
Women that undergo postpartum depression (PPD) often go through bouts of crying uncontrollable and very seldom do they understand the cause. There thinking is often irrational and their emotions are often tangled. One minute they are struggling to go to sleep and the next minute they can’t seem to wake up.
Once a baby is born the family, friends, mother and so forth a suppose to join in a joyful expedition. Sometimes mothers go through postpartum depression however, and the birth seems more like a curse than a joyous moment.
Instead of sharing a happy moment mothers often feel a sense of guilt because they simply because they may resent the birth of their baby. All of a sudden, you begin feeling sadness, despair, worthlessness, and insomnia kicks in.
Then you go through panic attacks while feeling a sense of shame. In addition, it doesn’t stop there. Next you begin feeling fear of loosing control of your actions, you start feeling like your mind is tumbling, and your concentration has vanished. Still, you feel nausea, agitated, your heart races, and you breathing is complicated. The symptoms are increasing as you feel an imbalance level of worry toward your child, hopelessness since you have no control, exhausted from all the mental changes, and suicidal because you see no way out.
The battle is just beginning. Mothers than suffer from postpartum depression often have an underlying psychological impairment, possible biological imbalances, including Posttraumatic Stress if the mother undergoes a horrible birthing. Most professionals will treat postpartum depression with antidepressants combining it with therapy.
It is important for mothers with postpartum depression to seek help immediately, since the diagnose does not only affect the patient, it affects everyone around you, including your baby. Babies need their mother, and when the mother is unable to provide emotional nourishment and loving care, and then a baby will suffer as it grows into adulthood.
Just like any diagnose there are triggers that may interrupt the mother, including difficult births, isolating one self, death, changes in living arrangements, hereditary, financial difficulties and so forth. Unfortunately, some of these triggers are going to happen.
Most therapists have found treating women with postpartum depression, treating them with antidepressants and therapy has worked wonders. Recently studies are finding that depression may also be treated with Electromagnetic therapy. Scientists are constantly searching for a solution to treat depression so the end of the world hasn’t arrived.
There is hope. Studies have also shown that writing down your episodes, feelings and so forth is a great therapeutic relief. Talking is also a great source for eliminating stress, which is often linked to depression. It is important to get regular checkups after your baby is born to eliminate biological reasoning for the postpartum depression.
In most cases, doctors may prescribe Valiums, Prozac, or Zoloft. It depends on the person, but for some mothers one or the other medications work, while others have no results. If you are suffering postpartum depression, it is also important for the family to offer support and understanding.
Since, you may have suicidal thoughts the last thing anyone needs to do is push you over the edge. It is also important that the resentment you feel is not necessary toward your baby. It could be that you resent an area of your life, or an occurrence and the baby seems to be the target.
You might want to try listening to easy music when you feel a sense of loss, or episodes of the diagnose erupt. Music has proven to heal the soul. In addition, you might want to start exercising since this too has proven to do wonders with people that suffer mental or physical illnesses. Exercise relieves the mind often because you are doing something to better yourself and improve your health.
Therefore, if you are in postpartum depression, there are answers and you should never give up hope!
Are you sick and tired of being "empty" inside and out? Worry no more! At you´ll find free and reliable information that gives you the straight facts and solutions to beat depression.

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Herbal prostate treatment for enlarged prostate

by roonie steth

The problem associated with prostate is not so common among people, but if you are above 50 and start facing urinating problem then the reason behind it could be enlarged prostate which is also called BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).
The prostate is a male reproductive gland that develops a viscid secretion that carries sperm during ejaculation. It surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine passes out of the body. If you have enlarged prostate which means your gland has grown bigger. As the gland becomes larger, it can press on the urethra and gives rise to urination and bladder problems.
The possibility of developing enlarged prostate/ BPH has good chances to happen to almost all men as they get older. BPH problem is so common and as men age their health concerns change as well. It is also considered that all men may have an enlarged prostate if they live long enough. It is estimated that a small amount of prostate enlargement is present in many men over age 40 (60 percent of men) and more than 90% of men over age 80. Even though the initial prostate symptoms for enlargement may be determined negligible, and only slightly troublesome, but getting the right treatment at the right time can avoid the further complications.
If you have enlarged prostate, there are some prostate symptoms that you may experience (it is estimated that less than half of all men with BPH or enlarged prostate have symptoms of the disease). The prostate symptoms you may experience include dribbling at the end of urinating; powerlessness to urinate (urinary retention); incomplete emptying of your bladder; involuntary urination or defecation; Needing to urinate two or more times per night; Pain with urination or bloody urine (these may indicate infection); slowed or delayed start of the urinary stream; straining to urinate; Strong and sudden urge to urinate and Weak urine stream.
Whether you are suffering from enlarged prostate or prostetitis (inflammation of the prostate), it is essential to take care of your prostate problem and address it without any delay. To treat the enlarged prostate, there also various herbal prostate treatments available which contain natural ingredients like Pollen extracts. For years, Pollen extracts have been utilized in parts of Europe and Asia to support prostate health. In fact there are various clinical trails (both on human and animals) which have been performed on Pollen extracts, and all research suggests that pollen extracts maintain a healthy prostate.
If you are looking for prostate alternative medicine for your enlarged prostate treatment, then energy prostate is a natural supplement for prostate holistic health. The product Energy Prostate is medical proven and has NDC number which is issued by the FDA. For this product, Pollen has been collected and processed since the mid-1960s. The manufacturers of this product have developed their own harvesting methods to handle the vast quantities of plants needed for the tons of pollen produced every year. BUT, the product does not cure any severe prostate diseases and it should be taken as per your doctor’s recommendation.
A website dedicated to helping men who are having symptoms of enlarged prostate. We use most advanced herbal prostate treatment and prostate alternative medicine treatments and procedures necessary to help men in achieving amazing and unbelievable results.

Article Source: Wellness Article Library
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Vitamin Supplement To Treat Hair Loss: Zinc


One of the reasons that contribute to your hair loss problem may be insufficient nutrients. If our bodies lack the necessary vitamins, then it is not possible to expect that they will be functioning optimally and healthily. In fact, one of the major nutrients that prevents and treats hair loss is zinc. By understanding how this nutrient relates to hair loss, you can ensure a diet that is helpful in stopping hair loss.
It is known that zinc will add the extra proteins into your system that will then affect hair growth, as well as healthy skin and nails. If you do not have enough in your system, it will cause your hair to stop growing and fall out. Zinc works in relation to the several proteins that are located throughout your body in order to create a support system for your body. Zinc is needed for cell division, in the growth and maintenance of muscles, helps to control oil glands, and is also required for the synthesis of protein and collagen - which is great for wound healing and a healthy skin.
Zinc deficiency not only produces problems with hair loss, but also with changes in the scalp. The scalp may become too dry or flaky and may often times be irritated because of the lack of nutrients. Many have reported that zinc has been shown to be effective in stopping their hair from turning gray. Even when hair is already gray or becoming thinner and balding, zinc can reverse the effects when taken in proper amounts.
It is not surprising that many suffer from zinc deficiency since zinc is destroyed in the milling process and is also lost in cooking. In addition, a zinc deficiency can result in a poor immune system, heightened sensitivities and allergies, night blindness, loss of smell, white spots under finger nails, skin problems, sleep disturbances etc.
Men with zinc shortage may have a problem with fertility, while women may experience irregular periods. Children with too little zinc may have stunted growth and slow sexual maturity.
Thus, zinc deficiency is a problem that you do not wish to have. In your diet, include a variety of foods that contain this nutrient. Wheat germ, yeast, muscle meat, fish and egg yolks are all known for having a high amount of zinc in them. From here, the proteins will be stimulated in the several areas of your body. It is best to have zinc from natural sources.
If, however, you find that you are not able to consume zinc through natural sources, then you can always buy zinc supplements. Instances where consuming zinc from natural sources is not possible include if you have certain food allergies or intolerances. Zinc supplements are readily available in health stores. They can be effective when you take between fifty to one hundred milligrams a day.
Definitely whether you are having adequate sources of zinc in your diet, is an important factor to consider with regards to your hair loss. This is one vitamin supplement that may just work wonders for your receding hair line.
Kathlene Capelle writes on female hair loss, male hair loss, cause of hair loss, hair loss prevention and natural hair loss treatments. Get more info on Hair Loss Remedy here
Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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Vitamin A: The Eyes Need It


You may have heard from your grandma that eating carrots can improve you vision. That may not be exactly true, but carrots do contain something called provitamin A carotenoids. These are pigments in some plants that can be converted by the body into vitamin A, and vitamin A is important to your vision.
Vitamin A is also helpful to bone growth and your immune system. As with other vitamins, there are different forms of vitamin A. One of the forms that is most usable to the body is called retinol, and it can be found in liver, eggs, and milk. One of the most common provitamin A carotenoids that the body converts easily to retinol is beta carotene, and it is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, and cantaloupe. Vitamin A is also one of the vitamins often used to fortify breakfast cereals.
Vitamin A is fat soluble, which means that the body stores it, mostly in the liver. That also means that it is possible to build up toxic levels of it in the body. This rarely happens from food sources because as the body builds up supplies of vitamin A, it will slow down the processing of beta carotene conversion to vitamin A. When people do get vitamin A toxicity, it is usually from taking too much in supplemental, or pill, form. Toxic levels of vitamin A can cause liver problems, central nervous system problems, deterioration of bone density, and birth defects.
True deficiency of vitamin A is rare in the US, but common in countries where malnourishment is widespread. As mentioned earlier, vitamin A is important to the immune system and vision. This is because the body uses vitamin A to make various internal tissues, such as those lining the eye, lungs, and intestinal tract. When these linings are weakened by vitamin A deficiency, it is easier for harmful bacteria to penetrate them and thus, people with vitamin A deficiency are more prone to infections, illness, blindness, and respiratory problems.
Aside from the malnourished, other people who may be prone to vitamin A deficiency include those who consume large amounts of alcohol and those with certain metabolic disorders that affect how fat and other nutrients are absorbed by the body.
Some recent and ongoing studies involving vitamin A and beta carotene include investigations as to whether high amounts of vitamin A contribute to osteoporosis, and whether beta carotene can lower the risk of some forms of cancer.
Linda Polansky writes about Vitamins,Safe on health vitamins

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Which Aerobic Exercise Is Best For You?


Want to use aerobic exercise to keep healthy? So did I, and so do I! But when I first came upon the idea of aerobic exercise the only option was jogging, although I think ‘aerobics’ or really aerobic dancing was just coming in. Not for me. So I joined the band of people who went around jogging up and down the road.

I learned that you needed to exercise every other day from the original exponents of the idea of aerobic exercise, and so that’s what I did. I used to be quite good at doing it every couple of days, except when travelling on business or on holiday.

Jogging for aerobics for a while -

Then I stopped doing it for a while, and took it up when I realised I was getting out of shape. Eventually, I got fed up with jogging. It is not much fun. Now if you are a really long distance runner, you get a kick from running – it’s a natural high. But I can’t say I got that.

Then, I heard that you can damage your joints, especially the knees, with too much jogging on concrete, so I gave it up – except at times of stress when I found the exercise helped calm me down! Of course, if you can jog on grass or heathland that will be OK, especially if you don’t do it too much.

Then I started swimming regularly

Later I tried swimming. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise you can take, as it exercises nearly every muscle in the body – and is definitely aerobic. I found I soon got bored with pounding up and down the pool, probably because I am not a good swimmer and use too much energy doing it.

So I gave that up, too! Next came cycling, and when I started I was living in a very hilly area, so you could not go more that a mile without coming to a steep hill and getting your heart beat up suitably. Despite those hills I enjoyed cycling – always have I suppose, ever since my first proper bike gave me some real freedom at thirteen years old.

So now I cycle every two days. Although it is fairly flat where I live there just enough hills for this to qualify as aerobic exercise. I enjoy it, and it keeps me fit. Of course you need some other exercise as well – and this can be walking occasional swimming or whatever.

So, to keep fit do some aerobic exercise. Try one you think you will enjoy, and if that doesn’t work, try another. Cycling, power walking – preferably in a hilly area – jogging, swimming, roller blading, many sports and lots of other forms of exercise qualify as aerobic. The minimum according to the experts is that you exercise for eight minutes with your heart beat up about 40%. You can achieve the same result with a lower increase for a longer period, so choose something that you enjoy as your form of aerobic exercise.

John Hartley is a business writer who has always enjoyed sports and exercise. He cycles regularly wherever his business takes him, and runs the web site,, where you can find plenty of information about aerobic exercise.

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Can Toxic Shock Syndrome Affect Anyone?


You may have heard about the illness toxic shock syndrome (TSS) from magazines or from friends, but do you know why it is important to be aware of this illness? Would you recognize the symptoms? TSS is an extremely rare but potentially serious illness that can affect anyone.
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a serious but uncommon bacterial infection. TSS was originally linked to the use of tampons, but it is now also known to be associated with the contraceptive sponge and diaphragm birth control methods. In rare cases, TSS has resulted from wounds or surgery incisions where bacteria have been able to enter the body and cause the infection.
Anyone can get TSS – men, women and children. Half the reported cases of TSS are associated with women using tampons; half result from localized infections, for example following burns, boils, insect bites or surgery. The risk of TSS is greater in younger people. This is because older people are more likely to have the necessary antibodies to protect them from the toxin that causes TSS.
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a type of blood poisoning that will make you feel severely ill very quickly. TSS is a rare but potentially serious illness that can develop quickly in anyone – men, women and children.
TSS is caused by the common bacteria – Staphylococcus aureus – which normally live harmlessly on the skin and in the nose, armpit, groin or vagina of one in every three people. In rare cases certain strains of these bacteria can produce toxins (poisons) that cause TSS.
With early diagnosis TSS can be treated with antibiotics to kill the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, and other medicines which help counteract the symptoms.
You can reduce your chances of getting toxic shock syndrome by changing your tampon frequently, at least every four to eight hours. Use the lowest absorbency tampon you can and try to alternate using tampons and sanitary napkins whenever possible.
Toxic shock syndrome can recur. People who've had it once can get it again. If you've had toxic shock syndrome or a prior staph infection, don't use tampons at all.
Can Toxic Shock Syndrome Be Prevented? Find out at

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Use Natural Remedies to Get Lower Cholesterol Levels and Live Healthy

By Layne Shock

Many individuals these days are hoping to find solutions on how to get lower cholesterol using natural methods. They want to feel better and this is definitely obvious. Of course, you need to recall some important tips before reaching the same kind of goal.

Medical experts already linked high cholesterol level to strokes, heart failures, blood clotting and other severe ailments. However, we need to understand that if someone experiences high triglycerides and low HDL (good) cholesterol, he or she can also the same undesirable problems leading to heart ailments too. Typically, if you get prescriptions from your doctor, you only focus on managing your high cholesterol and not necessarily about having low cholesterol level. If you want to prevent these serious ailments, it is important to monitor both the levels of your HDL and LDL cholesterol.

Many individuals are likewise increasing their awareness between the difference of natural remedies and prescribed medications in lowering their cholesterol levels. In fact, they are trying to figure out the negative effects of both options. Those who choose prescribed medications, the most usual effects involve depression, muscle pain, damaged liver, cannot sleep at night and more.

On the other hand, natural remedies are safe and effective without harming the body. If you get lower cholesterol using natural methods, you can easily regulate the levels of your cholesterol and begin to feel healthy. In addition, your body will regain its energy and is capable of completing your daily tasks without feeling weary.

It is important that if you are beginner in using natural remedies to lower your cholesterol, make sure to search for nourishments like beta sitosterol, D-limonene and lecithin. These elements are superb options to regulate the exact cholesterol level and help the body reduce triglycerides as well as increasing the levels of HDL cholesterol. This is exactly what you need to stay healthy and fit.

Unfortunately, you may not simply discover these healthful nutrients if you only eat regular food items. You must look for top quality natural supplements containing these elements. If possible, look for the products that feature all these nutritional requirements in combination to achieve great results. One of the most reliable sources to help you discover these nutrients is to visit different websites on the Internet offering the best information relating to this subject matter. Many people now are enjoying the benefits of using the web in searching for means to resolve their worries involving their overall wellness.

Lowering your cholesterol is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. I lowered mine, and you can lower yours too!

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Aerobics Workout


Aerobics are great, even thought the aerobics craze seem to have passed and that today is very different to what has swept the world of its feel and got it into working out the aerobics way, the current times offer the exerciser an abundance of tool and information about aerobics that has never before existed.

This kind of exercise was very fashionable some years ago, at one time you could find many of your friends and family in you local gym doing aerobics, but after this health workout fashion changed into many different streams of physical exercise, like the oriental disciplines and many diverse international workouts. But aerobics didn’t go away, with time this has become on of the most researched and developed forms of losing weight and getting fit again, many different machines have been invented and researched, and many experts have been working in the field of aerobics.

When you start doing aerobics you should probably think about what kind of aerobic clothing you want to buy, since they have a lot influence on the quality of you exercise, and will probably also be a factor of how you feel, you will need to talk to your trainer or research online before you make decisions because a lot of these clothes do not come cheap and you may want to buy yourself more then one suit for your workout, so you wouldn’t have to do the laundry every day or so, this clothes will need to be washed once you had a good workout.

There are great advantages of aerobics exercise, first it is a special and very wide way to work out and keep your body in good shape, lose weight and maintain a regular workout schedule, but there are many other advantages to aerobics exercise some of them very surprising. A lot of people meet and make friends in the gym, some decide to start working out together and push each other to do better, stronger and faster, a partner is always a good way to improve and get further than what one would do by himself. A second benefit from working out together is that you can actually make friends, sometimes just work out friends and some time even more than that.

Working out and doing aerobics will also effect you mood, improve many aspects of you body and spirit and make you stronger not only physically. The effect of working out is that you body will release a lot of positive things into your blood, making you happier and stronger, this alone can make a huge change in anyone’s personality, and the good news is that if you never worked out you will feel this significant change.

Even you are not convinced I encourage you to try this form of exercise before you move on, almost surely you have a gym close to you home and you can always ask to work out a couple of time to see if its something that you could try. Keeping it relatively safe start from the basics and move on as you progress, in a short time you will understand and feel the difference.

David Evermon has been involved in many environment related projects, writing on many subjects related to the environment and project management his hobbies and knowledge of construction, David writes articles about Aerobics

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles
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An Effective Exercise Routine For Beginners


Let's start with this very important rule: NEVER OVERDO THE FIRST FEW SESSIONS. Many beginners to exercising fall for this trap, especially when they do not have qualified trainers with them. They get overly excited and lose patience. They try to produce in two weeks what often takes years to accomplish.

They begin by going all out right from the start doing as much as they can. The next day, their joints and muscles lock up in pain. Then, they get discouraged, stop exercising for a while and give it up altogether. Workouts should start out smooth and easy.

Here is a warm-up routine to do 1 set of before every workout, but doing 3 sets of these alone can be a pretty good workout; particularly if you are a beginner.


Lean over deeply on your left foot while your right leg is stretched out to your right side. Maintain balance.
Slowly, raise yourself with your left leg to a standing position.
As you stand, spread your feet wide apart.
Repeat this for ten counts.
Do steps 1 to 4 again; this time, alternate the legs' position (left becomes right, and vice-versa).
This exercise warms up your legs, calves, and abdomen.


Stand erect, chest out, with your buttocks protruding and your stomach in. Put your hands straight out in front of you. Relax.
Do squats by bending your legs to lower your body. Bend your legs until your upper legs (thighs) are parallel to the ground and you are in a squatting position. Keep your body erect as you squat.
Then raise yourself as you straighten your legs back to a standing position.
Do around 5 to 10 squats. Inhale deeply as you go down. Exhale as you stand up.
This exercise warms up your leg muscles, calves, and the muscles in your abdomen.


Stand with your feet about 3 feet apart. Relax.
Place your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the sides.
Very slowly, twist your body to your right without moving your legs or feet. Try to twist to your right as far as possible. Your face and body should be facing your right side while your legs remain steady. Then hold on to this position for 10 seconds.
Do the same to your left side.
This exercise warms up your legs, back muscles, and abdomen.


Stretch out your arms to your sides. Keep them level with your shoulders.
Simultaneously rotate both arms to the front. Do this 20 times each rotation.
This exercises your shoulders, arms, and back muscles.


Bring your right and left palms together. Have all fingers and palms pressing each other in front of you while pointing the fingers upwards.
Simultaneously push one palm against the other as hard as you can. Keep pushing for 5 seconds. Relax. Then push again for 5 seconds.
Do this ten times. Exhale as you push, and inhale as you relax.
Then press both palms in front of you while having their fingers pointing in different directions one set of fingers pointing to your left, the other set to your right. If your left fingers point to the right, your left hand should be under your right hand.
Push both palms against each other, the left palm pushing upwards, the right palm pushing downwards.
Exhale as you push, and inhale as you relax. Do this ten times. Then change the positions of your palms (left over right) and do the same procedures.
This exercises your forearms, arms, shoulders, and latissimus muscles (the muscles at the sides that give your body a V shape).


Gently move your head to your right side while your right hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently move your head to your left side as your left hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently move your head backwards as your left or right hand gently pushes back against it. Do this once.
Gently bow your head to the front as your right or left hand gently pushes against your forehead. Do this once.
This exercise strengthens your neck muscles. Never do neck rotations.


Do slow push-ups from 10 to 15 counts.
This exercises your arms, chest, shoulders, part of your abdomen, and part of your back muscles.


Jog in place for 3 minutes.
Then jog in place a lot faster for 2 minutes.
Then jog in place with a normal pace for another 3 minutes.
This exercise gives you a good leg and calf warm-up. This also serves as aerobics for your lungs and heart.

There! That ought to do it. After doing the above warm up exercises for some time, you should be ready start doing regular weight training and cardio workouts. Then just do 1 set of these exercises to properly warm up before you start each workout.
Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

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The Power Of Vitamin D


Most of us know that taking Vitamin C helps when we are getting sick because it builds up our immune system. Eat your carrots (or broccoli), it's good for your vision because the vegetable consists of high levels of Vitamin A. Vitamin E helps strengthen your hair and nails.
According to a new study, taking Vitamin D can cut the risk of pancreatic cancer nearly in half. This study appears in the September issue of a medical journal, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. Earlier studies have shown that Vitamin D can also protect against colorectal and breast cancer. Lab and animal studies have shown that Vitamin D stifles abnormal cell growth and curbs formation of blood vessels that feed tumors.
Northwestern and Harvard universities led the studies and proved that taking 450 international units (IU's) of Vitamin D – the standard IU that is in most multivitamins – reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer by 43 percent. There is no need to take more than that amount either. Through statistical analysis, conclusions were that 12.5 cases of pancreatic cancer occurred each year per 100,000 people who were taking 600 IU's or more of Vitamin D. But taking only 150 to 300 IU's reduced the risk by 22 percent. The rate was 21 cases for patients taking below 150 IU's a day.
Here are some other ways Vitamin D is produced. Spend some time at the park or the beach because Vitamin D is created by sunlight exposure. In terms of food, try eating more tuna, salmon or other oily fish. You also might want to drink a cup of milk every now and then many other dairy product are also high in Vitamin D, you could also use margarine instead of butter. For people between the ages of 50-70, the suggested amounts of Vitamin D is 400 IU's. For people over 70, the suggested amount is 600 IU's and of course lower levels for those that are younger.
As for multivitamins, be weary. Multivitamins usually package Vitamin D with Retinol (a form of Vitamin A) to promote bone health, but that combination actually dilutes the Vitamin D and does not effect prevention of pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic cancer is fairly rare – it only makes up 2 percent of new cancer cases in the United States. But it is also very lethal being the fourth deadliest form of cancer in the United States. Around 33,700 Americans will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year and almost 96% will die from the disease. Here are so more statistics to keep in mind. Those that are over 60 and those that suffer from diabetes are more likely to be diagnosed with this disease. More males than females are diagnosed. Smokers are two to three times more likely to be diagnosed. If any of the above apply to you, start taking Vitamin D. It just might save your life.

Article Source: Natural Health Directory | Natural Health Articles

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How to get Pregnant? Important things you want to Know

by Jeff Netsite

I remember back when I was a kid that I used to visit my friends dad at his clinic whenever he has no patient. My friends father is an "OB-GYNE" and in his clinic, there are these posters that have a drawing of a pregnant woman and the parts inside her womb (that includes the baby). And it made me think how a baby is being form inside a woman's belly. Did I mention I was only a kid back then when I started thinking about these things? There was even a time that I thought the moment a man and a woman kiss, instantly, the woman gets pregnant (I blame the movie for this). But as I mature, I learned how it is being done and how I can avoid getting someone pregnant if I'm neither me or the girl are not ready yet.
These days, a lot of problems regarding pregnancy are arising. These include a huge growth in the population of other countries such as India, China, and even the Philippines. Another one is unplanned pregnancy that normally happens with teenagers. Aside from the unplanned pregnancy issue, there is also the difficulty of other women who wants to get pregnant. There are a lot of reasons why a woman can't get pregnant. It can be that the woman is at her age where it is hard to conceive, or either the wife or the husband has a problem with their reproductive organ, and lastly, the lack of education on how to get pregnant. For the unplanned pregnancy, it would be how to avoid getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant.
I read some articles regarding how to get pregnant. According to them, getting pregnant is not easy as everyone thinks (I'm still thinking whether I should agree on that statement). They also said that aside from proper timing (this refers to the woman being fertile), there are also a few important practices that will help women on getting pregnant. One important practice is for the woman to be healthy and eliminating anything in life that may cause damage to fertility. Next is learning when the woman is most fertile. According to my friend who is a doctor, usually on the 14th day of her menstrual cycle is the day women are fertile.
Next step is making s e x productive and at the same time, have dun doing it. Get this, according to "Dr. Donnica Moore, the missionary position is more likely to get a woman pregnant". Another important thing to know is that "if you have s e x every day during your fertile period, you have a 25 percent chance of getting pregnant, according to Dr. Allen Wilcox". Lastly, "If you have s e x after you ovulate, you aren't likely to get pregnant, says WebMD." Another website that you can visit is "" where you can read stories about women who got pregnant in spite their difficulty of conceiving. If all of the people can learn about this, I'm sure we can have fewer problems in our community.
For more info visit: help get pregnant and how to get pregnant

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Did You Get Your Seaweed This Morning?


Fucose is a Glyconutrient. There are 8 saccharides that make up this family:

• Mannose
• Glucose
• Galactose
• Xylose:

• Fucose (not fructose)
• N-acetylglucosamine
• N-acetylneuramic acid
• N-acetylgalactosamine

Fucose can be found in natural products like seaweed and echinoderms. From ancient times humans have consumed them. The original gelatin was often made from seaweed before artificial gelatin was developed.
When handling wet kelp you will experience a slimy sensation. This is largely due to fucoidans on the surface of the seaweed. When you pull apart the ”slime“ you will see long threads. These are the extended chains of fucoidan polysaccharides(including fucose)
Brown seaweed kelp is used to extract alginates for industrial, pharmaceutical, and food purposes but for a long time Fucoidans were not considered. Now research has revealed that Fucoidans have been found to have medicinal benefits like anticoagulants.
Fucoidans are made up mainly of the saccharide fucose. They have been found in brown marine algae and echinoderms like sea urchins and sea cucumbers. They are used in a number of medicines including ones for anticoagulant and antithrombotic therapy.
There are many different types of brown kelp, which vary in the amount of fucose they have. Research is only just now being done on this little known area of science. The kelp has been a highly prized food and medicine for many centuries. The substance, extracted from the kelp, Fucus Vesiculosus contains 16 different fucans.
They assist the kelp plant by protecting it and help its cell walls not to get damaged with changing salt concentrations. They also help the kelp and echinoderms with their reproductive systems.
Fucose is also useful for helping the human immune system and assisting the body to ward off infections, diseases and toxins. Other uses are help with inflammatory conditions and ulcers. Not only the brown kelp but also the Japanese seaweed Mozuku is used for extracting Fucoidan.
Fucose can also have an effect on enzymes by promoting and inhibiting them. It has been found to be helpful against snake venom and bites. By controlling the enzymes that can cause the venom damage.
There are many uses for this useful glyconutrient and it is only just recently that these uses are coming to light. As scientists do more research they are discovering new uses for this saccharide and the other glyconutrients. The new research is called Glycobiology and is named after the Glyconutrients they are investigating.
Only during the last 10 years scientists have been researching the family of foods known as the carbohydrates. Because of their complex nature it took time for scientists to understand and be able to analyze them. Now as they go deeper into their structure and uses they are finding the immense benefits that Glyconutriants hold for the mankind.
Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Consultant. His clients range from pro athletes and actresses, to cancer patients and children with Learning Disabilities. To learn if glyconutrients can hep you, visit his Glyconutrients site for a consultattion.

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How To Create A Diet For High Cholesterol Levels

By Darran G Butler

When people are trying to lower their cholesterol levels, they will most likely try just eat less. Though this might help some people, this is simply not the best way to go. You will have to make a decent diet for high cholesterol levels to be able to live healthier. You must also become more active. Too often a person will try to go about nutrition with a blindfold on and they will never really try and seek for help. This leads to years of bad eating and leads to heart problems and early deaths. You will have to learn more about what foods will raise or lower you cholesterol levels.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

This can be thought of as common sense, but I cannot emphasize enough how important fruits and vegetables are. Fruits like apples and blueberries are able to lower your bad cholesterol and, at the same time, help raise your good cholesterol. Focus on eating lots of fruits and vegetables everyday and you will be able to get the needed vitamins and nutrients that you need on a daily basis. The more the better.

Drink more water

Water is essentially the most important thing that you need and make sure that you drink at least 16 glasses a day. Though many people say that 8 glasses is required, you can drink up to 20 glasses if you would like. This helps deliver nutrients to your cells as well as remove the toxins that are produced so you can become more healthy. A great habit to get into is drinking at least a half liter of purified water first thing in the morning before you eat or do anything. Soon, you will notice a considerable change.

Avoid saturated fats

These are the types of food that you will have to avoid. These foods are what help your body create more cholesterol. These are foods like butter, whipped cream, ice cream and cheese. The saturated fats in cheese and fish are not all bad and can be eaten in moderation.

Never eat trans fat

Trans fat and hydrogenated oils should be foods that are never found on a diet for high cholesterol levels. This type of fat is found in most junk food and should be avoided all together. Don't make the mistake of eating too much of this food as it is a great way to live an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. Regardless of how good they taste, avoid all fried foods.

The best way to truly reap the benefits of a diet for high cholesterol levels is to implement a consistent workout regimen. This means that you will be active for about 30 minutes a day and look to at least break a sweat. Do not be afraid to get out and take a walk everyday as sunlight will be able to also give you a good dose of vitamin D. Your life will really depend on what foods you eat and what you do on a daily basis. Focus on eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong foods and you will be able to live longer and feel and look healthier. With just a little patience and dedication, you will be able to stick to your plan and be able to eat a nutritious diet on a daily basis.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and, specifically, taught others about a healthy diet for high cholesterol levels. For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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Effective Tips For Lowering Your LDL

By Darran G Butler

Low-Density Lipoprotein or LDL is the type of cholesterol that can increase your risk of heart disease, so lowering your LDL is important. High levels of LDL in blood can clog up arteries and blood vessels leading to atherosclerosis. Because of this, it is very important for you to know effective ways of keeping your heart functioning healthily.

First and foremost, the basic step is improving your diet and nutrition. While there are other things you can do to help you achieve safe LDL levels, following a healthy diet and monitoring your intake of food are the most essential steps for a long-term solution.

Some important tips that can help you lower your LDL include:

Giving Up Outside Meals

Restaurants, diners, and fast food do not normally serve healthy foods. Because low quality and unhealthy foods and ingredients are cheaper, they use these to make more profit. Foods from these establishments are known to increase bad cholesterol levels. Although more expensive, it is better to buy food from health food restaurants.

Stay Away From Junk Foods

It is very important to have a healthy mindset when eating if you are serious in lowering your LDL levels. With this in mind, it is important to quit buying and eating junk foods because these types of unhealthy food have ingredients that can increase LDL levels, including saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. A healthier alternative to junk food is raw nuts, especially walnuts. Nuts help reduce cholesterol levels in blood and can help keep blood vessels healthy and functioning properly.

Cook Your Own Food

Cooking your own food will help because you know exactly the nutritional contents of the ingredients you use. There are many healthy food recipes that taste good and do not take a long time to prepare.

Use Olive Oil

Cooking oil can have a lot of fatty-acids and saturated fat that can hasten atherosclerosis. Luckily, olive oil is a perfect substitute and is even considered healthy because it can help in lowering your LDL levels and increase your HDL levels. Lower bad cholesterol and higher good cholesterol can improve your health significantly.

Use Plant Sterols

Plant sterols are substances that can prevent LDL from traveling into the blood stream. Using food products with plant sterol such as stanol-fortified margarine are known to help in lowering your LDL levels by up to 14 percent even if you just take an ounce of it daily.

Have a High Fiber Breakfast

High fiber breakfasts like oatmeal or high fiber cereal can help in naturally lowering LDL levels and can be perfect substitutes for eggs or bacon which are standard breakfast items.

Eat a Lot of Fish

Fish is easy to prepare and cook. It is important to balance protein sources by including fish in your diet aside from meat. Furthermore, fish has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which aid in naturally lowering your LDL levels significantly.

Eat Foods Rich in Flavonoids

Flavonoids are substances n foods that inherit the natural properties present in fruits and vegetables. The best source of flavonoids are dark chocolates with at least 70 percent of cocoa content.

Darran Butler is a heart health and cholesterol wellness expert with a passion for showing others how to live healthy and passionate lives. He has helped countless others achieve their health objectives and, specifically, lowering your LDL cholesterol. For more information on Darran Butler and how he can help you, visit his site for a free report that will show you how to stay super heart healthy with ideal cholesterol at

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